Hello again, Hugo

You’ll notice that baty.net is back to using Hugo1. I really like Kirby, but every time I use a platform that’s not fully static, I get twitchy, and I got twitchy.
I’m using a new theme, Anubis2, which I find to be easy to read and just the right amount of boring. It doesn’t have all the features of the PaperMod theme I was using, but it’s simpler, and simpler is what I was after.
I copied over all of the original Journal posts, but I don’t know if I’ll continue to treat those separately. I’m kind of digging how everything is just a post here. We’ll see.
For years, I’ve been dragging around old broken images and image folders from various platforms, so I took the opportunity to fix as many of those as I could find. That was tedious, but felt good.
It was refreshing posting at copingmechanism.com for a few days, without years of baggage tagging along. In the end, though, baty.net is my home on the web. It’s established. (A few) people know it and follow it. Better not to throw it all out on a whim, just because I was uneasy about it not being fully static.
Anyway, we’re back. 👋
For those keeping score, I was with Kirby for 34 days. ↩︎