I made a little Retrobatch script to overlay the date onto a photo. It’s meant for the OpenGraph cover image on these daily posts. I don’t normally include the photo in the posts themselves, but I did today. For some reason.
Still a bit sick. Slept better, though. It’s hard using a CPAP with a stuffy nose.
I’m in one of those moods where I don’t feel like managing anything. It occurred to me that Emacs helps with this. Denote and Org Journal both manage the files for me. I just type. Org-attach handles my files for me. On the other hand, TiddlyWiki is Just One File, so there’s that.
The thing I’m thinking about now is going back to Lightroom desktop for photos. I’ve been using Lightroom Classic because it’s got everything, but it sure is janky compared to the new Lightroom. And with Ligthtroom I don’t need to organize everything (although I probably would, anyway). Still thinking about it.
I’ve removed these journal posts from the RSS feed for now. I like the feeling of writing without worrying about dumping all this crap into a bunch of unsuspecting RSS readers. Who knows, I may end up staying with the wiki for this. What will likely end up happening is that I’ll keep doing both, depending on my mood that day. Details
Consistency is boring.
I don’t feel like exercising or weighing myself today. I guess I’m not in the mood for expending any effort or being exposed to any more bad news right now.
I have an idea about these daily posts. I’ll be writing throughout the day over in the wiki. Then, end of day, I’ll grab anything I think is worth sharing and re-post it here. I mean, I didn’t call the wiki a “Rudimentary Lathe” for nothing.
If there’s one thing I’d hoped people had learned going into the next four years of Donald Trump as president, it’s that spending lots of time online posting about what people in power are saying and doing is not going to accomplish anything. If anything, it’s exactly what they want.
I don’t feel like writing full-on blog posts, lately. What I’m interested in is journaling…in public. I don’t like this Hugo template for that purpose, but I have learned that changing Hugo templates isn’t worth the trouble. Now what?
I want to be entirely self-sufficient, but I don’t want the job of maintaining anything. How’s that supposed to work?