Emacs from scratch once again

I’ve been happily using Doom Emacs again, but I missed the feeling of having built things myself. I mean, if I wanted everything done for me, I could just use Obsidian, right?
There’s a certain level of geek pride in building one’s own config, although I don’t always feel it’s worth the trouble, knowing Doom exists. Other times, however, I miss feeling the satisfaction of being in complete control of my environment. I spent the day starting over.
When I say “from scratch” I don’t mean without any help from anyone. There are things that have become defacto standards when making Emacs “nicer”, so I went hunting for a leg up.
The first option I considered was to start with minimal-emacs.d from James Cherti. I’d used this for my previous vanilla setup. It’s quite fast and the defaults are sensible. This time, though, I was hoping for a little less magic in my config. I decided to look for something else.
I ended up taking the best bits from Protesilaos’ basic and capable configuration. Prot is so pragmatic and thoughtful that it’s always valuable to look at how he does things.
Something Doom is very good at is fast startup. With all my crap included, Doom would start in about 1.5 seconds. It’s one reason I moved back to Doom in the first place, as my config had blown up to around 8 seconds and I didn’t have the energy to optimize it. My unofficial target for the new config was under 4 seconds. I don’t launch Emacs that often. A few seconds once or twice a day won’t kill me.
I brought over the particulars from my earlier configs (for Org-mode, LaTeX, org-journal, etc.) and, long story short, I have a leaner, newer configuration that I (sort of) built myself. Startup is around 3 seconds, so I have a bit of room if I need it. Or maybe I’ll learn about garbage collection and compilation and see if I can improve things.
One thing I didn’t bring along was Evil mode. I don’t know if I want to run Emacs without it, but I’m going to try living with stock Emacs bindings with some tweaks. We’ll see how it goes.
There’s no public repo for this yet. I worry that my cobbled together stuff would do more harm than good if someone started copying things from it. Maybe later.