I spent the morning of the election with my daughter and grandson. It was a nice way to spend part of an otherwise anxiety-filled day.

I spent the morning of the election with my daughter and grandson. It was a nice way to spend part of an otherwise anxiety-filled day.
Latest roll (HP5) from the Leica MP. Nothing much here to speak of, although I did use a manual flash on some of the indoor shots. I kind of like flash photos. They look like photos, you know?
Lincoln looking up
My dad and Lincoln. Testing manual flash.
Funny face
White sneakers are white
This roll of HP5 from the Leica M31 was shot mostly in Grand Haven during one of our frequent walks through town and on the pier.
Gail’s feet in Lake Michigan
Grandma walking Lincoln
Grand Haven Pier
Well-dressed kids on beach
Beach grass, rocks, and sand
Gift store in Grand Haven. Closed.
A few snapshots from our walk on the pier in Grand Haven this afternoon. The weather was beautiful and so was the waterfront.
It’s always surprising to me how many frames I don’t screw up when using the meterless M3.
The Leica SL2 felt inevitable. After an almost accidental run with the Panasonic S5, which I didn’t enjoy at all, I tried going back to the Fuji system. I’ve always liked Fujifilm cameras and their classic control layout. I purchased a new X-T5 and a few nice lenses late last year, but it didn’t grow on me. The X-T5 is a great camera and I had nothing to complain about. Except it just didn’t give me The Feels. Not the way, say, a Leica does.
Long story, short, I sold my precious Leica M6 (Classic). I could no longer justify having two modern Leica M cameras, so I decided to keep the beautiful MP and pass the M6 on to someone else. I’m sure I’ll regret this. (It’s the second time the camera has been sold, but the previous buyer returned it, for spurious reasons). Onward!
Here’s the final frame I shot with the camera:
I took the MP on my walk and was determined to shoot an entire roll. It was overcast, dreary, and the path I walk is pretty boring, but I did my best and made it through the roll.
This roll was shot at 800 and developed in HC-110 (Dilution B) for 7.5 minutes.