Sending Org-journal entries to Day One

I mentioned that I should create a lisp function for sending my org-journal entries to Day One. Turns out I’d already done it. The only problem was that the original version assumed I was using a new org file every day. I’m now doing monthly files, so I needed to change how the text selection was made. Here’s the new function. (defun jab/dayone-add-note () "Sends current subtree as Day One entry" (interactive) (org-mark-subtree) (shell-command-on-region (point) (mark) "/usr/local/bin/dayone2 -j=Journal new" nil)) ...

December 19, 2023 · 100 words

My paper journal slash scrapbook

I do a lot of things that turn out, in hindsight, to have been a complete waste of time. Journaling in my paper notebook/scrapbook is not one of them.

October 20, 2023 · 236 words