From Roll 2021-026 (Leica M3/HP5 Plus)

The Leica M3 is The One, when it comes to the Leica M line. I love it so. The higher-magnification viewfinder makes it easier to focus longer lenses, so I sometimes mount the Elmarit 90mm and it’s a fine combination. A few here are using the 90mm. The others are using the Summicron-M 50mm (v4). P The roll of HP5 Plus was processed in HC-110 (Dilution B) and scanned with SilverFast on the V750. ...

August 26, 2021 · 74 words

The Grafmatic back (and yet another 4×5 failure)

The gentleman who sold me the Linhof later sent me (at no charge!) a Grafmatic sheet film holder. The Grafmatic will hold up to 6 sheets of film at once and allows one to “rapidly” expose them. Here are some instructions. I loaded four sheets and went out on the deck with Alice to practice. As you can see, it didn’t go all that well. Loading film into the septums was easy enough. And racking the guts of it in and out to “advance” to the next sheet is something I’ll get used to. My problem was that I never advanced past the last frame I shot and then opened the dark slide, exposing and completely wasting one sheet and fogging the next couple. Other than the frontmost sheet, which was totally ruined, this was the worst of them. ...

August 17, 2021 · 227 words

From Roll 2021-023 (Leica MP)

August 17, 2021 · 0 words

Large Format: Challenges

There are too many things that can go wrong when shooting large format (4×5) film. I made four exposures of my friends Steve and Bryan this afternoon. Two of the four were ruined right off the bat: The first, because I’d left the shutter open when pulling the dark slide. The second because I didn’t expose it at all and processed as though I had. Large format is hard. ...

August 4, 2021 · 196 words

From Rolls 2021-021/22 (Leica MP)

Mostly snapshots from our family reunion. Leica MP, HP5+.

August 3, 2021 · 9 words

Roll 2021-020: (Leica MP/HP5+)

July 26, 2021 · 0 words

From Roll 2021-014 (Leica MP)

Out with the new MP and a roll of HP5+. I think these are all shot with the 50mm Summilux ASPH

July 18, 2021 · 21 words

From Roll 2021-013 (first with Leica MP)

Here are a few from the very first roll through the new Leica MP. (Sorry, I lost them)

July 18, 2021 · 18 words

From Roll 2021-011

These are all taken with the Leica M3 on HP5+ and were processed in HC-110 Dilution B. I’m pretty sure I used the Elmarit-M 90mm f2.8 for the entire roll.

July 7, 2021 · 30 words

From Roll 2021-010

Leica M6, HP5+. HC-110 (dilution B). Scanned on V750 with Silverfast. Processed with Negative Lab Pro

July 6, 2021 · 16 words

A few from Roll-004

I haven’t been using film much this year, but once in a while it’s fun to get out and shoot a roll. I took the M6 out yesterday and finally finished the roll of HP5+ that I’d loaded into it a month ago. Here are a few from the roll. Most of these were shot while out walking around the neighborhood. Sorry, images were lost during a website move ...

April 16, 2021 · 69 words