Jack Baty

Director of Unspecified Services

Logseq is so close

I've spent some time this week toying with the idea of using Logseq for my daily logging. I prefer writing in outliners and Logseq's outline-based blocks are handy and easy to deal with. Linking is fast and easy. There are queries for when I need to get fancy. Easy, automatic daily notes makes Logseq a tool well-suited to keeping a daily log. Plus, it creates .org files natively.

I even put my Logseq vault folder inside my ~/org folder so it's right there with everything else in Emacs and Org-mode.

The problem is that I have come to love and standardize on using Denote for notes and file naming. Logseq's file names and linking syntax don't work with Denote. I imagine one might be able to create a combination of Denote hooks and Logseq plugins to make them work together but that feels like too much.

I thought about using Logseq only for the daybook-style logging. The problem is that Logseq practically begs one to add links and backlinks and related notes and TODOs and the rest. Using it as a nothing more than a competent outliner front end for org-mode files feels wasteful or unnecessary and asking for trouble down the line.

So for now I'm reluctantly tabling the Logseq idea and sticking with my life in Emacs full-time.

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