Toggle hidden files in Dired buffers
On macOS, hitting CMD-Shift-. in Finder toggles the display of hidden (.dot) files. I wanted the same thing in Dired mode.
On macOS, hitting CMD-Shift-. in Finder toggles the display of hidden (.dot) files. I wanted the same thing in Dired mode.
Using both Howm and Denote for my notes in Emacs. But why?
Scrolling with the Logitech MX Master in Safari sucks out of the box. The following from this Reddit thread helped, even though it required installing 2 additional packages. Here’s the useful part of that thread: Install Logitech Options+ (sigh) and set: Logi Options+ (Plus): Customization App for Logitech Devices What a gross bit of software, but it’s necessary here. I’ve read that once this process is done, I can delete the app completely, but I haven’t tried that yet. ...
I like having a felt pad on my desk, but I don’t like how it sometimes causes mouse movements to become choppy. My favorite mouse is the Logitech MX Master. Maybe other mouses work better on felt, but I want to use this one, so I decided to buy a mouse pad. Then I remembered I have a 3D printer. I downloaded this model and an hour later I had a custom-sized simple mouse pad and it works great. ...
Ladybird: Ladybird is a brand-new browser & web engine. Driven by a web standards first approach, Ladybird aims to render the modern web with good performance, stability and security. From its humble beginnings as an HTML viewer for the SerenityOS hobby operating system project, Ladybird has since grown into a cross-platform browser supporting Linux, macOS, and other Unix-like systems. Ladybird is currently in heavy development. We are targeting a first Alpha release for early adopters in 2026. ...
A week ago, I toyed with the idea of using Gnus for reading Email in Emacs. As expected, I hated it at first. But then… ...
Hang on a sec… digg reboot I’m here for this!
I went down a rabbit hole with the built-in Remember mode in Emacs today. ...
lmq-10/denote-search This package provides a search utility for Denote, the simple-to-use, focused-in-scope, and effective note-taking tool for Emacs. The command denote-search is the main point of entry. It accepts a query, which should be a regular expression, and then searches the contents of all the notes stored in denote-directory for it. The results are put in a buffer which allows folding and further filtering; all standard commands offered by Xref are available as well. ...
We look good together, no? When I bought the Nikon Z f recently, the way I intended to offset the cost was to sell the Leica SL2. The mistake I made was to buy the Nikon before selling the Leica. Yesterday, I gathered up the SL2 with accessories and took some photos of it for the listing. Picking up the camera reminded me that, as nice as the Z f is, it’s not in the same league as the SL2. Everything about the Leica feels nicer. Controls, covering, grip, doors, battery, all of it. ...
My use of Howm has continued to grow organically. In other words, I don’t set out to use Howm, it just happens :). One of Howm’s unique features is its TODO implementation: ...
We are born with hearts that want to leave a mark on the world. This ability is not lost, it is taken from us. Mike Monteiro, How to draw an orange
Currently, my blog has two types of posts, Journal and Post. Journal entries are comprised of things I collect or think about during each day. I post one per day. Posts are your typical blog post. Posts are (usually) a bit longer and are about a single topic. ...
AlphaSmart Neo 2 I started free writing again a couple weeks ago, but this time I’m doing it digitally, using the AlphaSmart Neo 2. I dove hard into “Morning Pages” after reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, but it didn’t last long. I mean, c’mon, there’s no way I can consistently write 3 lined pages, longhand, every morning. ...
I “settled” on using notmuch for my email, but now I’m reconsidering that decision. Notmuch is great, but using it forces me to have two email stores. One is IMAP (via Fastmail). The other is my local notmuch database. Mbsync keeps things kind of synced, but it’s really only a few flags. Notmuch doesn’t delete or move email on the server. This means I’m managing, for example, my Inbox, in two places. It’s not hard, but is it necessary? ...
The other day, while bored, I shuffled around the house and burned through a roll of film, just for something to do. I took photos of random stuff that I use or see every day. The photos were boring af but, for some reason, because they’re film I think they’re kind of cool. But are they? No, they’re not. Film photography is fun, and the paraphernalia is awesome, but a boring photo is still a boring photo. Here’s an egregious example. HP5 from the Nikon F100 on the left. Nikon Zf with an HP5 film recipe on the right. ...
You are all a bunch of sick freaks.: The worst part is how you enable each other. “Hey guys, just finished my basic home automation setup”, and then you post a system diagram that looks like the blueprint for a nuclear reactor. Fourteen Docker containers just to manage a suite of ‘internet of things connected shitware. I enjoyed this :).
Heh, Dave noticed that I bought a new camera and now he’s thinking about new cameras. ...
In a desperate attempt to spark some enthusiasm for photography, I bought a Nikon Zf. I know, this is not the best approach, but it’s what I did so here we are. I’m jotting down a few quick thoughts and first impressions. (This isn’t a review. Just notes to myself about the camera). Nikon Zf The Zf1 is meant to replace my Leica SL2. The SL2 is a terrific camera, but it’s so big and heavy that I never take it anywhere. With the Zf being smaller and lighter, I figured it would make more sense as an “everyday carry” camera. ...
Linus Torvalds (Mastodon): I’m a card-carrying atheist, I think a woman’s right to choose is very important, I think that “well regulated militia” means that guns should be carefully licensed and not just randomly given to any moron with a pulse, and I couldn’t care less if you decided to dress up in the “wrong” clothes or decided you’d rather live your life without feeling tied to whatever plumbing you were born with. And dammit, if that all makes me “woke”, then I think anybody who uses that word as a pejorative is a f*cking disgrace to the human race. ...