Feelings about the Leica M10-R

Iā€™m feeling twitchy about owning the Leica M10-R .

The M10-R is an astonishingly good camera. World-beating build quality, timeless design, and a fantastic 40-megapixel sensor, all in a small, beautiful package.

Still available new in 2022 for an eye-watering $8,995 (I bought mine used), the M10-R is also a ridiculously expensive camera. Buying one is a big deal and a significant investment.

I am fortunate enough to also own Leica M film cameras, and being able to share lenses between those and the M10-R is very handy. And OMG those Leica lenses! The control layout and handling are the same as well. Itā€™s like having both a digital and film platform for using 70 years of tiny, wonderful Leica lenses. I can carry a full film and digital arsenal with 2 bodies and lenses in a tiny bag.

So, why am I feeling twitchy?

I worry about having such expensive, relatively delicate equipment swinging about around my neck. It makes me nervous. Itā€™s hard to relax and make photographs when Iā€™m so worried about losing or breaking the camera Iā€™m carrying.

Unlike film Ms, digital M cameras depreciate steadily in value. Not as quickly as other digital cameras, perhaps, but still, the trend is downward.

But mostly, I feel guilty having such a fine camera because Iā€™ve barely used it. Iā€™ve been shooting mostly film for the past month or so, leaving the M10-R idling in the bag. I can justify the expense for something Iā€™m using all the time but to have the M10-R sitting in the bag ā€œjust in caseā€ is hard to stomach.

Still, I love the camera and Iā€™m keeping it. At least for now. I know me, and I know that the digital-film pendulum will swing back the other way soon enough, and when it does Iā€™ll be glad I have the M10-R.