What a blog should be?
There have been a flurry of recent posts around what one should write about or post on a personal blog.
Why I still use TheBrain
TheBrain might be the original "second brain". I mean, it's right there in the name. I
Philosophy of Tiddlers
My wiki, a single TiddlyWiki file, currently contains 3,594 tiddlers. I look up something in it at least once
Spacious-Padding Emacs package
Protesilaos Stavrou updated his spacious-padding package. I’d ignored this earlier but installed it today and it’s a nice,
When a minor annoyance sparks an unreasonable change
This morning, I had trouble finding something that I was certain I'd written yesterday. I was pretty sure
App Defaults (2023 Edition)
C’mon, everyone’s doin’ it.
Here is my list of default apps (in alphabetical order by task):
* Backups: Backblaze,
Update I'll keep this list updated here.
A few folks1 have been posting about their current subscriptions. Here
Reason I love Org-mode No. 257: archiving TODOs
Just a quick appreciation of a common Org-mode feature.
By default, archiving a TODO in Org-mode moves it to another
Why would anyone host their own Git repos when Github exists? Fair question!
For me, it's mostly because
I'm doomed...again
Emacs is less than friendly out of the box, so we customize things to suit our own personal tastes and
Back to Org-roam (from Denote)
🚨Update: I think Org-roam is the right answer for most people, but I could not resist the simplicity and lack
Use what you have
I have some pretty nice things. I'm fortunate and have more "stuff" than I could ever
We're using Ghost again
Here's a thing I've learned about myself: I'll work on something until it'
Book logging in Emacs
Logging books I read using Emacs and Org mode
I need a new film scanner
My Epson V750 Pro, purchased in 2009, has scanned thousands of rolls of film, slides, and prints. After making strange
Searching Org-roam files
Org-roam is “A plain-text personal knowledge management system” using Emacs and Org-mode and I put nearly all my notes in