Sunday, October 20, 2024

Our favorite nachos from The Score

It's unanimous, people prefer the one post/day journal format here on "All in one place is best" seems to be the consensus. I'll try.

BSAG » Exploring desktop linux: Part 3

I'm watching this closely. She seems to be getting on well so far. The only way I could use Linux would be to only use Linux. Switching between Linux and macOS is crazy-making.

I did, though set up Neovim and LazyVim yesterday, just for kicks. I might be experiencing a mild case of Emacs Fatigue.

Some weird things about my behavior that I noticed today. First, I might like Safari more than Arc, which is a complete surprise. I used Safari for a few weeks, then switched back to Arc last week. Today, I switched back to Safari. It's just...less, somehow. Second, I prefer OmniFocus to Things. Another surprise. Things is just so nice, you know? But OmniFocus does a few more little things that I miss when I'm using Things. Third, I've plunged back into my TiddlyWiki wiki again. This was triggered by how much I like using howm in Emacs. Howm is a lot like TiddlyWiki in some ways. Anyway, I was reminded how much fun TiddlyWiki is, so I've dusted it off and started putting stuff there again. Told you they were weird.