Saturday, September 28, 2024

Yesterday I did that thing where I wanted to use something other than Emacs and Org Mode, so I re-installed Obsidian and launched both Tinderbox and SilverBullet. Then, I wrote some notes in all of them. It was so darn nice having somewhere new to work. It lasted a few hours, after which I copied all of those notes into the appropriate .org documents and properly scolded myself for straying again. Everything else is inferior to Emacs, but sometimes I just need a break.

"Oscillation creates Isolation" is a new phrase I just made up.

I dusted off my old Kirby blog after reading Kev's post this morning. I'm not falling for it, Kev! Kirby is really nice, and tempting, but I've forgotten how it works and I don't love the idea of learning it over again right now.

A phrase that bugs me is, "You have to wonder..." when what they really mean is "I wonder..." or more likely, "I think this but am too chickenshit to come right out and say it." It's a bit like "I'm just asking questions!"