Morning pages with the AlphaSmart Neo 2

AlphaSmart Neo 2 I started free writing again a couple weeks ago, but this time I’m doing it digitally, using the AlphaSmart Neo 2. I dove hard into “Morning Pages” after reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, but it didn’t last long. I mean, c’mon, there’s no way I can consistently write 3 lined pages, longhand, every morning. ...

February 21, 2025 Â· 318 words

Journaling changes

Reading Jeremy’s post about keeping his personal journal helped clarify some of the thoughts I’ve been having about mine. Some Entries from My Personal Journal: On Tuesday the 12th of November, 2024, I started what I hoped to be a new habit. That is writing a personal daily journal. Over the weeks, I expanded my aspirations to include a daily check list of activities I wanted to do. I’ve been consistently keeping a personal journal for years. I write primarily using Org-journal, a file, and a paper notebook. My problem isn’t that I don’t journal enough, but rather that I can’t decide where to journal. ...

January 18, 2025 Â· 352 words

Sending Org-journal entries to Day One

I mentioned that I should create a lisp function for sending my org-journal entries to Day One. Turns out I’d already done it. The only problem was that the original version assumed I was using a new org file every day. I’m now doing monthly files, so I needed to change how the text selection was made. Here’s the new function. (defun jab/dayone-add-note () "Sends current subtree as Day One entry" (interactive) (org-mark-subtree) (shell-command-on-region (point) (mark) "/usr/local/bin/dayone2 -j=Journal new" nil)) It’s not perfect, since it includes any PROPERTY drawers and leading stars, but it works and was easy to make. ...

December 19, 2023 Â· 100 words

My paper journal slash scrapbook

I do a lot of things that turn out, in hindsight, to have been a complete waste of time. Journaling in my paper notebook/scrapbook is not one of them.

October 20, 2023 Â· 236 words