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A blog about everything by Jack Baty 👋

Tag: Ghost

Floating images in Ghost

There is no built-in method in Ghost for floating an image and having text flow around it. It’s a significant omission, and one which they say is “too hard” and have no plans to change. OK fine, I’ll do it myself.

I found a reasonable solution in this post on the forums. Here’s how I’m using it.

Add the following to the header in the code injection area:

/* small images to float but not look stupid on mobile */
@media (min-width: 40rem) {

.float-left-half figure,
.float-left-two-thirds figure {
    float: left;
    margin: 8px 20px 6px 0;
.float-right-half figure,
.float-right-two-thirds figure {
    float: right;
    margin: 8px 0 6px 20px;
.float-left-half figure,
.float-right-half figure {
    max-width: 50%;
@media (min-width: 64em) {
	.float-left-two-thirds figure,
	.float-right-two-thirds figure {
    	max-width: 67%;


Then, in a post or page, I add an HTML block before the image card I want to float (e.g to the right).

The pros and cons of moving back to Ghost

OK, it’s happening again. Hugo broke my site for the second time in two updates. I got mad (again) and decided it was time for us to break up.

I dusted off the version of the blog that I’d built using Eleventy and started working on getting everything updated. Except it didn’t work. I don’t know what I was missing or what had changed since I stopped using it, but things were broken. I then decided that I would start fresh with Eleventy’s base blog repo. That was also a mistake. After several hours, I had built an ugly blog, without some of the features I’d wanted. I gave up.