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A blog about everything by Jack Baty 👋

Tag: Film

Mundane film vs digital photos

The other day, while bored, I shuffled around the house and burned through a roll of film, just for something to do. I took photos of random stuff that I use or see every day. The photos were boring af but, for some reason, because they’re film I think they’re kind of cool.

But are they? No, they’re not. Film photography is fun, and the paraphernalia is awesome, but a boring photo is still a boring photo. Here’s an egregious example. HP5 from the Nikon F100 on the left. Nikon Zf with an HP5 film recipe on the right.

Roll-175 (Canonet G-III QL17)

Self-portrait in mirror with Canonet

Self-portrait in mirror with Canonet

I first decided to sunset the Canonet, in 2022 due to a few issues making it less than ideal to use. I have a short memory, and was feeling badly about the camera sitting on a shelf, so I loaded it up with a roll of HP5.

Processing the roll yesterday reminded me why I’d set it aside: