Mu4e transient menu

I ran across something neat while reading the Mu4e release notes A (experimental) ā€œtransientā€ menu has been added for mu4e. You can use it e.g., with something like: (require 'mu4e-transient) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c m") #'mu4e-transient-menu) Itā€™s very handy!

March 29, 2025 Ā· 38 words

Using Gnus for email

A week ago, I toyed with the idea of using Gnus for reading Email in Emacs. As expected, I hated it at first. But thenā€¦ ...

March 6, 2025 Ā· 842 words

I think I have to go back to Mu4e

I ā€œsettledā€ on using notmuch for my email, but now Iā€™m reconsidering that decision. Notmuch is great, but using it forces me to have two email stores. One is IMAP (via Fastmail). The other is my local notmuch database. Mbsync keeps things kind of synced, but itā€™s really only a few flags. Notmuch doesnā€™t delete or move email on the server. This means Iā€™m managing, for example, my Inbox, in two places. Itā€™s not hard, but is it necessary? ...

February 19, 2025 Ā· 239 words

Turning Markdown files into emails

Now that Iā€™ve solved my Notmuch sync problems, Iā€™m more inclined to move ahead with converting other content into emails and indexing them using Notmuch. I thought Iā€™d start with my blog posts. ...

February 6, 2025 Ā· 318 words

Fixing my duplicate email fiasco with rmlint in Maildir

Remember my recentĀ email fiasco, during which I ended up with tens of thousands of duplicate emails? I remember it. After storming off and ignoring the problem for a week, I decided I should do something about it. Today, I fixed it! ...

January 27, 2025 Ā· 299 words

An email fiasco

All I wanted was to useĀ notmuchĀ on my MBP to manage email, just like I do on my Mac Mini. The only viable solution I found wasĀ muchsync. Thereā€™s no macOS installer for it1, so I figured Iā€™d compile it myself.Ā A few years ago I promised myself that if something requiredĀ ./configure && make && make installĀ I would skip it. Well, IĀ reallyĀ wanted to try it, so off I went. TheĀ makeĀ command failed immediately because it couldnā€™t find notmuch.h. Great, path problems. After an hour of throwing things at the wall, adding some environment variables worked: ...

January 20, 2025 Ā· 526 words

I've already stopped using Hey email

My on-again-off-again relationship with Hey email is off again

May 9, 2024 Ā· 367 words

Searching in Mutt with Notmuch

Notmuch can be used as a search engine from within Mutt and itā€™s super fast.

February 14, 2024 Ā· 194 words

Using Mutt for email is awesome, but it makes me want to do everything in a terminal

February 12, 2024 Ā· 280 words

RSS feeds as emails using Notmuch and rss2email

Could I too start storing things as email and find them later using Notmuch?

September 20, 2023 Ā· 299 words

Coming to my senses about Mimestream

I woke up from my trance and bailed on my disjointed bricolage of Fastmail->Gmail->Mimestream. Cobbling various pieces together just so I can use a single mail client on my Mac seemedā€¦shortsighted. Mimestream is nice, but not that nice, you know? So Iā€™m back in MailMate and/or Mu4e. Oh, and sometimes Apple Mail. But Iā€™m thinking about switching back to notmuch from Mu4e. Now that I say it, Iā€™m not sure this is any better :). At least Iā€™m not relying on Gmail now, I guess. ...

June 11, 2023 Ā· 85 words

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Dammit I just lost an hour on Mastodon even though Iā€™m supposed to be ā€œoffā€ social media. I have nothing to show for it, either. Itā€™s insidious! I lost my head for a second and thought maybe Iā€™d do the whole ā€œEmacs from scratchā€ thing again. This time, I tried the new beta branch of Crafted Emacs because I like their approach on the new version. But yeah, itā€™s beta and things broke and Iā€™m not good enough to troubleshoot. Back to Doom for now. ...

June 10, 2023 Ā· 137 words

Overthinking Email

I donā€™t get many emails these days. Nor do I send many. And yet, I spend an inordinate amount of time futzing with how I get and sent emails. Iā€™m doing that thing again where I overthink my email process. The only hard requirement I have with email is that it uses my own domain name. Hence, Email is still the key to many things, so allowing someone like Google to control that key is a no-go for me. My wife still uses a Comcast address, can you imagine? I get hives just thinking about it. She gets a lot more email than I do, and never gives any of this a second thought. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ. ...

June 8, 2023 Ā· 427 words

Friday, June 02, 2023

Notes on using Mimestream.

June 2, 2023 Ā· 212 words

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Journal blog post format changes. Mimestream for email. Arq backup problems. Tweaking the PaperMod theme.

May 30, 2023 Ā· 432 words

Tagging deleted messages in Notmuch

I use Notmuch in Emacs for managing my email. Itā€™s fast, powerful, and (once used to it) easy to use. There are a few oddities Iā€™ve learned to work around. The first is with deleting messages. The manual for Notmuch states: Notmuch does not support, nor ever will, the deleting of messages Notmuch manual Iā€™m ok with this, since Notmuch provides a way to essentially bury deleted messages using tags. I donā€™t necessarily need to actually delete the message file. Any message tagged with +deleted is hidden from searches unless explicitly included. Ignored tags are set in ~/.notmuch-config like so: ...

September 21, 2022 Ā· 304 words

HEY or Fastmail? The Answer.

TL;DR: Iā€™m sticking with HEY for my email, but thereā€™s a surprise twist: Iā€™mĀ alsoĀ sticking with Fastmail. Hear me out. I was initially disappointed with the implementation of custom domains in HEY. You can read the whole almost-rantĀ here, but the short version is that I thought I was going to lose both my address and my access to HEY World for quick blogging. And it would cost me $20 more per year for the priviledge. If I wanted to keep my address and HEY World, Iā€™d have to pay forĀ bothĀ accounts at something like $199/year. That wasnā€™t something I was interested in. I later learned that there is aĀ discount for current users. This put the total at a much more reasonable $123/year for custom domains, my old address, HEY World, and the additional features of ā€œHEY for Domainsā€. ...

April 24, 2021 Ā· 353 words

Hey for Domains? Maybe.

(Updated with notes about the custom domain discount) Other than having a couple of nits to pick, I really like using HEY! for my email. After considering the pros and cons and waffling between dropping the service and going all-in, Iā€™ve been leaning toward all-in. HEY offers an opinionated, clever, and pleasant set of features thatā€™s not found elsewhere. A big missing piece for me has been custom domain support. ...

April 23, 2021 Ā· 502 words

Back to Fastmail?

My first annual subscription to Basecampā€™s HEY email service is about to expire, meaning itā€™s time to decide whether I will be renewing. I donā€™t think I will. This makes me sad, because I really like using HEY for email. Theyā€™ve done a great job re-thinking how we interact with email and most of their decisions have been spot on. I forward email from Fastmail to my HEY account and, now that they support SMTP forwarding, I can reply from there as well. Soon, they are likely to fully support custom domains, meaning I could move directly into HEY and be done with it. ...

April 8, 2021 Ā· 299 words