Mike Monteiro on drawing

We are born with hearts that want to leave a mark on the world. This ability is not lost, it is taken from us. Mike Monteiro, How to draw an orange

February 22, 2025 Â· 31 words

Visual Meditation

I’m not sure I’ll ever be capable of sustaining an ongoing “meditation practice”. The idea of regular meditation is compelling, but after many attempts I’m starting to think it may never stick. This is likely because I’ve not practiced long or consistently enough, but my brain just refuses to stay quiet or focused. Instead, I’ve been making daily drawings. Or, more precisely, “doodles”. I find that mindlessly drawing random or repeating patterns soothes me. It’s a relaxing form of perhaps, if not meditation, mental relaxation. And calling them doodles helps me to avoid the feeling that they are “bad” drawings. It doesn’t matter. ...

February 15, 2022 Â· 126 words