Roll-061 (Leica MP/ HP5)

As usual, this roll contained a few self-portraits, a few of Alice, and a few of “stuff”. My favorites are the ones taken in my dad’s garage. Alice. (Leica MP. HP5 Plus. 90mm Elmarit-M) Dad’s workbench (Leica MP. HP5 Plus. 50mm Summilux-M) Self-portrait (Leica MP. HP5 Plus. 90mm Elmarit-M) Wall in dad’s garage (Leica MP. HP5 Plus. 50mm Summilux-M) ...

March 21, 2022 Â· 68 words

Roll-048: (Leica MP/HP5 Plus)

I’m trying to see how the Summilux 35mm ASPH feels on the film M. Running around indoors with a moving dog and poor light is either a terrible test or a perfect test. Anyway, here’s Alice. Alice with her toys Alice Alice and “Gordo” Alice and Gordo Alice watching for something to bark at Alice in bed

December 30, 2021 Â· 57 words

Leica MP

Leica MP with 35mm Summilux ASPH This is a really nice camera.

December 30, 2021 Â· 12 words

Roll-046 (Leica MP/HP5 Plus)

Some days I just really need to finish a roll. The photos of Alice relaxing in the sunshine reminded me how good film is at holding onto highlights. I feel like I couldn’t blow them if I tried. ...

December 18, 2021 Â· 38 words

Old film challenge: Use it.

I was surprised to find that I had 55 rolls of various 35mm and 23 rolls of 120 negative film stocks just wasting away in my fridge. I mean, look at this treasure trove! Rolls of 35mm film from my fridge I’ve standardized on Ilford HP5 Plus for black and white film and Kodak Portra 400 for color. This doesn’t mean I won’t try something different occasionally, but those are my go-to films. ...

August 21, 2021 Â· 359 words

From Roll 2021-025 (Nikon F3, TMAX 100)

I’m trying to use up the rolls of expired TMAX 100 that have been taking up room in my fridge for a few years. I pulled the Nikon F3 out of a drawer, loaded batteries in the motor drive, and shot a roll. As usual, it was mostly photos of Alice and I around the house. The film was processed in HC-110 (Dilution B) for six minutes and scanned on the V750. The first couple were shot using the vaunted Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 AI-s lens, for what that’s worth. The others were taken with the Nikkor 28mm f2.8 AI-s. ...

August 20, 2021 Â· 148 words

Roll 2021-020: (Leica MP/HP5+)

July 26, 2021 Â· 0 words

From Roll 2021-018 (Portra 400 in Leica MP)

Leica Leica MP | Leica Summilux-M 50mm ASPH | Portra 400 400 Scanned with Epson V750. Cinestill C-41 Negative Lab Pro v2.2.0 | Color Model: Frontier | Pre-Sat: 3 | Tone Profile: LAB – Standard | WB: Auto-Neutral | LUT: Frontier

July 21, 2021 Â· 41 words

From Roll 2021-017 (Stylus Epic)

Sometimes it’s fun to throw a roll through the little Olympus Stylus Epic. Mostly self-portraits around the house because I was bored.

July 19, 2021 Â· 22 words

Dusting off the Olympus Stylus Epic

I bought my first Olympus Stylus Epic in 2004 and fell in love. I’ve owned one ever since. That original copy was replaced in 2012 for $10, in the box, from a guy on Craigslist. Those days are gone. These little fellas have grown quite a following and fetch upwards of $300 on eBay. I’m not going to be paying that much once this one dies. Mine has been collecting dust in a drawer for a year or two, which is a shame, so took it out today and loaded it with a roll of HP5+. No sense trying to preserve it, right? ...

June 16, 2021 Â· 103 words

A variety of 35mm SLR film cameras

Here are my remaining 35mm SLR film cameras. Clockwise from front-left, they are. Canon AE-1 Program. An AE-Program was my first real camera. I received one from my parents as a graduation gift. Today, though, it’s my least favorite. It just doesn’t feel good to use. Nikon F100. This might be the single greatest deal there is when it comes to film cameras. These are semi-professional, high-end cameras that sold for around $1,400 (In 1999 dollars. One would cost more than $2,100 today). These can now be found for under $300. Great cameras. ...

October 31, 2020 Â· 382 words

Very expired Ektar 25

I have lots of film stored in my fridge. Some of it is very old. I’m determined to shoot it rather than throw it out, so I ran a roll of Ektar 25 through my Nikon F100. Let’s just say the results were less than stellar ???? To be fair, this roll had expired nearly 25 years ago, so I wasn’t expecting much. Another thing I wasn’t expecting was that someone had already exposed about half the roll. It wasn’t me. I wondered why the number “13” was written on the leader. Now I know. They’d exposed 13 frames and then removed the roll from the camera. ...

October 25, 2020 Â· 121 words