Beyond the Infinite Denote

I’m using using Denote’s silo feature for accessing my Beyond the Infinite folder

December 24, 2023 · 176 words

Not taking the photo

I have never regretted taking a photo, but I always regret not taking one.

December 23, 2023 · 174 words

I won't be joining RSS Club

My current thinking is that our little blogging society doesn’t need secrecy, it needs visibility.

December 23, 2023 · 333 words

Safari and Arc

After using Arc for months, I’ve made Safari my default browser.

December 20, 2023 · 230 words

Sending Org-journal entries to Day One

I mentioned that I should create a lisp function for sending my org-journal entries to Day One. Turns out I’d already done it. The only problem was that the original version assumed I was using a new org file every day. I’m now doing monthly files, so I needed to change how the text selection was made. Here’s the new function. (defun jab/dayone-add-note () "Sends current subtree as Day One entry" (interactive) (org-mark-subtree) (shell-command-on-region (point) (mark) "/usr/local/bin/dayone2 -j=Journal new" nil)) It’s not perfect, since it includes any PROPERTY drawers and leading stars, but it works and was easy to make. ...

December 19, 2023 · 100 words

Implementing Daily Notes in Kirby

How I reimplemented my Daily Notes feature from my Tinderbox blog to in Kirby

December 15, 2023 · 622 words

What a blog should be?

Let’s not overthink it, eh?

December 6, 2023 · 181 words

Why I still use TheBrain

I always come back to using TheBrain.

November 22, 2023 · 642 words

Philosophy of Tiddlers

Why I sometimes prefer taking noted in TiddlyWiki instead of Emacs

November 16, 2023 · 322 words

Spacious-Padding Emacs package

Prot’s Spacious-Padding Emacs package adds some room to breath in the Emacs UI.

November 15, 2023 · 81 words

When a minor annoyance sparks an unreasonable change

This morning, I had trouble finding something that I was certain I’d written yesterday. I was pretty sure I’d written it in one org-mode file or another, but it seemed to be missing. Turns out it wasn’t missing. I just couldn’t see it because of the way the results show up when searching for something in Emacs. The display of search results when running projectile-ripgrep is pretty awful, and I missed what I was searching for. Here’s what it looks like in Doom Emacs by default. ...

November 9, 2023 · 210 words

Display list of org-attach'ed files in buffer property

I often want a list of attached files displayed right in the org-mode file.

November 9, 2023 · 68 words

App Defaults (2023 Edition)

C’mon, everyone’s doin’ it. Here is my list of default apps (in alphabetical order by task): Backups: Backblaze, Arq Blogging: What day is it? I mean Kirby. Calendar: BusyCal, Apple Calendar Chat: Apple Messages, Signal Clipboard Manager: Raycast Code Editor: Emacs File Manager: Forklift, Dired (Emacs) Journaling: Org-journal (Emacs), Day One Launcher: Raycast Mail Client: Apple Mail, notmuch Mail Server: Fastmail Music: Roon, Qobuz, Apple Music Notes: Org-mode (Emacs), TiddlyWiki, Tinderbox Password Management: 1Password Photo Editor: Capture One Photo Management: Capture One, Apple Photos Podcasts: I don’t listen to podcasts RSS: NetNewsWire Read It Later: Omnivore Screenshots: Cleanshot X Search Engine: Kagi Shopping List: Apple Reminders shared with wife Social Networking: Mastodon (web UI) Terminal: iTerm, Kitty Text Editor: Emacs, BBEdit Task Manager: Things, Org-mode (Emacs) Weather: Hello Weather Web Browser: Arc Word Processing: Emacs Org-mode -> LaTeX

November 8, 2023 · 138 words


A list of my current subscriptions, priced per month.

November 7, 2023 · 425 words

Are we back on Hugo?

It’s possible that no one will ever see this post. I’m writing a Hugo-formatted markdown file in Emacs. This means it will be published to a defunct copy of my blog1 Unless of course I decide to bring it back as If that happens, then 👋! ↩︎

November 7, 2023 · 47 words


A long list of my current subscriptions.

November 7, 2023 · 439 words

Reason I love Org-mode No. 257, archiving TODOs

Just a quick appreciation of a common Org-mode feature.

November 2, 2023 · 414 words


Why would anyone host their own Git repos when Github exists?

November 2, 2023 · 467 words

I'm doomed...again

I should stop trying to roll my own Emacs config. So I did.

November 1, 2023 · 341 words

Other People's Enthusiasm

It’s often fair to describe my entire personality as an amalgam of the blog posts I read that morning.

October 30, 2023 · 128 words