Beyond the Infinite Denote
I’m using using Denote’s silo feature for accessing my Beyond the Infinite folder
I’m using using Denote’s silo feature for accessing my Beyond the Infinite folder
I have never regretted taking a photo, but I always regret not taking one.
My current thinking is that our little blogging society doesn’t need secrecy, it needs visibility.
After using Arc for months, I’ve made Safari my default browser.
I mentioned that I should create a lisp function for sending my org-journal entries to Day One. Turns out I’d already done it. The only problem was that the original version assumed I was using a new org file every day. I’m now doing monthly files, so I needed to change how the text selection was made. Here’s the new function. (defun jab/dayone-add-note () "Sends current subtree as Day One entry" (interactive) (org-mark-subtree) (shell-command-on-region (point) (mark) "/usr/local/bin/dayone2 -j=Journal new" nil)) It’s not perfect, since it includes any PROPERTY drawers and leading stars, but it works and was easy to make. ...
How I reimplemented my Daily Notes feature from my Tinderbox blog to in Kirby
Let’s not overthink it, eh?
I always come back to using TheBrain.
Why I sometimes prefer taking noted in TiddlyWiki instead of Emacs
Prot’s Spacious-Padding Emacs package adds some room to breath in the Emacs UI.
This morning, I had trouble finding something that I was certain I’d written yesterday. I was pretty sure I’d written it in one org-mode file or another, but it seemed to be missing. Turns out it wasn’t missing. I just couldn’t see it because of the way the results show up when searching for something in Emacs. The display of search results when running projectile-ripgrep is pretty awful, and I missed what I was searching for. Here’s what it looks like in Doom Emacs by default. ...
I often want a list of attached files displayed right in the org-mode file.
C’mon, everyone’s doin’ it. Here is my list of default apps (in alphabetical order by task): Backups: Backblaze, Arq Blogging: What day is it? I mean Kirby. Calendar: BusyCal, Apple Calendar Chat: Apple Messages, Signal Clipboard Manager: Raycast Code Editor: Emacs File Manager: Forklift, Dired (Emacs) Journaling: Org-journal (Emacs), Day One Launcher: Raycast Mail Client: Apple Mail, notmuch Mail Server: Fastmail Music: Roon, Qobuz, Apple Music Notes: Org-mode (Emacs), TiddlyWiki, Tinderbox Password Management: 1Password Photo Editor: Capture One Photo Management: Capture One, Apple Photos Podcasts: I don’t listen to podcasts RSS: NetNewsWire Read It Later: Omnivore Screenshots: Cleanshot X Search Engine: Kagi Shopping List: Apple Reminders shared with wife Social Networking: Mastodon (web UI) Terminal: iTerm, Kitty Text Editor: Emacs, BBEdit Task Manager: Things, Org-mode (Emacs) Weather: Hello Weather Web Browser: Arc Word Processing: Emacs Org-mode -> LaTeX
A list of my current subscriptions, priced per month.
It’s possible that no one will ever see this post. I’m writing a Hugo-formatted markdown file in Emacs. This means it will be published to a defunct copy of my blog1 Unless of course I decide to bring it back as If that happens, then 👋! ↩︎
A long list of my current subscriptions.
Just a quick appreciation of a common Org-mode feature.
Why would anyone host their own Git repos when Github exists?
I should stop trying to roll my own Emacs config. So I did.
It’s often fair to describe my entire personality as an amalgam of the blog posts I read that morning.