My notes as text in one folder

I may have solved at least some of my problems caused by taking notes too many different apps. I moved all of them into ~/Documents/Notes, with subfolders per app. So… ├── Denote ├── Howm ├── Obsidian └── SilverBullet You’ll notice SilverBullet in there, my newest infatuation. But here’s the trick, I just point the default target for HoudahSpot searches at the enclosing Notes/ folder, and I can find most anything right away. You’ll note that this means I am restricted to apps that allow me to configure where notes are kept and that they’re kept in some form of plain text. That covers most of my tools. I had been using DEVONthink for this, but it’s been giving me trouble lately so I’m looking at simpler options. I’m digging it. ...

August 1, 2024 Â· 130 words

The GR1 has other problems

The viewfinder is kind of a mess right now. I have been thrilled to be able to use my little GR1 again, after pulling it off the shelf and finding that it does actually work. Except this morning I was reminded why I’d retired it before. The viewfinder becomes blocked by something loose in there or perhaps some sort of separation. Either way, it’s not usable when this happens, so I may have to document the issue and re-retire the camera. ...

July 28, 2024 Â· 81 words


Today I learned about SilverBullet SilverBullet is a note-taking application optimized for people with a hacker mindset. We all take notes. There’s a million note taking applications out there. Literally. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one where your notes are _more_than plain text files? Where your notes essentially become a database that you can query; that you can build custom knowledge applications on top of? A hackable notebook, if you will? ...

July 22, 2024 Â· 165 words

Who am I responsible to here?

Whenever I change blogging platforms or domain names or simply post to several places, I feel a twinge of guilt. How will my “audience” feel about the changes? Does it confuse things? I sometimes get comments like, “I have trouble finding things you’ve written because they’re all over the place.” I don’t get a lot of traffic, but it’s also not zero traffic, so I feel some responsibility. But why? I am not writing for money or influence or popularity. I write to better understand what I’m thinking about, and sometimes share the result. I write so that I have a record of those things. I write, almost entirely, for me. ...

July 17, 2024 Â· 198 words
Crystal and Lincoln. Hasselblad 500C/M

Roll-166 (Hasselblad 500C/M. HP5)

I brought the Hasselblad to my parents house while my daughter and grandson were visiting. I underexposed the roll a bit, but the hit rate was better than expected. I love this one of my sister and Lincoln. Jess and Lincoln My parents with Lincoln Crystal and Lincoln Mom with photobomb

July 13, 2024 Â· 51 words

Purged the things that want to take over for Emacs

As often happens, I started to waffle on where to keep my notes. I blame Obsidian for this. But also Bear and Evernote and Logseq and DEVONthink and and and. Obsidian is insidious. Sometimes all I want is to write something down and Obsidian makes that easy. Then it shows you a nice Daily Notes page. Then it makes back/linking easy. Then it teases me with a million simple-to-install plugins. ...

July 12, 2024 Â· 139 words

Into Doom and out again

Doom Emacs is pretty great, especially for former Vimmers. I lived in Doom for a long time because it makes so many little things nicer, without having to dedicate one’s life to customizing Emacs. Toward the end of last year I wrote I’m Doomed again when I moved back from my vanilla config. Then, early this year, I rolled my own config again, and spent a lot of time getting things just so. I even removed Evil mode and have been using the usual Emacs bindings. It’s the closest I’ve felt to being comfortable in Emacs in a long time. ...

July 7, 2024 Â· 342 words

My 20-year anniversary with Flickr

Jess on Trampoline I posted the above photo to Flickr 20 years ago today. It was my first. Flickr remains the best place to upload photos. I just wish it was still the best option for sharing them.

July 5, 2024 Â· 38 words

Photo Mechanic in 2024

Photo Mechanic is the fastest, most powerful tool for ingesting/browsing/exporting photos. It’s always been a little expensive, but I’ve had a license for many years. Before 2024, I could buy a license and use it until the next version came out. I paid $90 to upgrade Photo Mechanic Plus (the fancy version with catalogs) from version 5 to version 6 in 2020. That was four years ago. It’s not cost me a nickel since then. ...

June 28, 2024 Â· 272 words

A separate wiki for cameras

Most of the information I’ve written down about my cameras is either on my wiki or in random blog posts. I’ve decided to try and consolidate things in a new, separate wiki (using TiddlyWiki). It was trivial to drag and drop my original camera notes from the main wiki into this new wiki. I then copied the wiki file to my server, and it now lives here: 👉 It’s very much a work-in-progress. My intention is to flesh out the individual entries and catch up on the TODO list. If that goes well, I may include some of my photos or notes on process. After that, maybe I’ll add information about photographers who’ve inspired me. Or not, who knows? TiddlyWiki makes all this easy, but it is also kind of weird. I’ll try to keep it easy as I can to navigate. ...

June 21, 2024 Â· 143 words

Writing a blog using Tinderbox

Tinderbox is an unusual, powerful, quirky, and amazing piece of software. I don’t understand why more people don’t use it for everything. Maybe because it costs $298 and that’s expensive by today’s app store race-to-the-bottom pricing situation. It’s worth every penny, though. Before Emacs came along, I put everything into Tinderbox. These days, I use Tinderbox for specific projects that benefit from its unique features. I also maintain my blog at with it. ...

June 15, 2024 Â· 122 words

How I'm using Lightroom

Recent versions of the new Lightroom (Desktop, not “Classic”) have added features making it feasible for me to use.

June 11, 2024 Â· 357 words

Losing interest in organizing things

I’m tired of moving things around on my computers

June 10, 2024 Â· 329 words

Speed is my enemy

My brain isn’t necessarily fast, but it’s always in a hurry.

June 2, 2024 Â· 196 words

The gravitational pull of Emacs

I want things to be simple and without distraction. I want to avoid futzing all the time. To this end, I often try to move away from using Emacs for everything. Emacs is not simple, no matter how hard I try to force it to be simple. So I pull out the usual inventory of simple writing and note-taking apps, trying to make them fit. Telling myself that this is better for me. ...

June 1, 2024 Â· 351 words

Reduce & Simplify - Bear app

I like the way Bear limits my options<

May 23, 2024 Â· 481 words

Small company blogging tools and the Lindy effect

There are times I don’t feel like blogging the hard way1. When that happens, I look to simple, hosted, CMS-based blogging tools. Recently, I’ve been experimenting with Pika and Scribbles. I like both of them. They are both simple, clean, easy, and inexpensive. Choosing either of them for a blog would be fine. There is one thing that concerns me a little, and that is the hobby nature of these tools. I don’t mean to be dismissive by calling them “hobbies”, but I can’t help but feel that these kinds of tools are always at risk of being abandoned when their authors’ attention shifts to something new. ...

May 22, 2024 Â· 227 words

QR codes and index cards?

How about I stick QR codes on index cards as a way to quickly find the original reference?

May 11, 2024 Â· 236 words

I've already stopped using Hey email

My on-again-off-again relationship with Hey email is off again

May 9, 2024 Â· 367 words

Today's software installations

So far today, (as of 9:57 am) I have installed three apps that I had deliberately avoided installing on the new Mac Mini. MailMate because I just quit Hey but still wanted something different to play with. I’ve used MailMate on and off since sometime in 2013 I think. It’s a powerful, flexible, text/Markdown-first email app. TheBrain because I’m still looking for the “Everything” app, and in my experience, TheBrain has been the best at that. If I’d never stopped using it, I’d be able to find every single thing and everything associated with that thing. ...

May 9, 2024 Â· 119 words