My second sewing project is finished
I sewed a drawstring bag
I sewed a drawstring bag
Improving site performance by adding Expires headers in my Caddy config.
OMG I never learn. Even when I write stuff down. Every time I switch back to Hugo, I complain about the fact that when using relative image links in Hugo’s Page Bundles, they don’t work in the RSS feed. Then I spend time digging around old forum posts or whatever trying to fix the problem. Except I already have fixed the problem. At least twice. Maybe just check your own notes, Jack. ...
Making tags readable in Org-mode DONE headings
I’ve updated my org-mode reading list using my fork of the org-books package
This roll of HP5 from the Leica M31 was shot mostly in Grand Haven during one of our frequent walks through town and on the pier. Gail’s feet in Lake Michigan Grandma walking Lincoln Grand Haven Pier Well-dressed kids on beach Beach grass, rocks, and sand Gift store in Grand Haven. Closed. ...
Self-portrait in mirror with Canonet I first decided to sunset the Canonet, in 2022 due to a few issues making it less than ideal to use. I have a short memory, and was feeling badly about the camera sitting on a shelf, so I loaded it up with a roll of HP5. Processing the roll yesterday reminded me why I’d set it aside: ...
I’m finding it difficult being “off” social media right now. Every time there’s a lull in my thoughts, I want to reach for one of my feeds. It’s how I avoid doing anything useful. I want social media to be a source of information and not purely entertainment, but it usually ends up being entertainment. Also, it’s often infuriating, which is why I stepped away in the first place. One thing I’ve noticed is that when I’m not sharing things, I feel kind of invisible. I like sharing things. My blog(s) are good for sharing. It’s what they’re for. But not having comments on the blogs means there’s not much actual engagement. I like engagement :). That’s what Mastodon (and more recently, Micro.blog) is good at, which is why I find it difficult to leave. ...
The new record from Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds is called “Wild God” and it’s fantastic. Nick Cave in a good mood is a rare and wonderful thing.
When a horrible billionaire ruins my wonder at the night sky
My SetApp subscription was scheduled to renew today, but I didn’t let it. I figured that if I buy the apps outright that I actually use, I’ll spend around the same amount as I would on a 1-year SetApp license for both Macs. The purchased apps would either come with lifetime licenses or a small annual upgrade fee. This means next year I’ll pay a much smaller amount for all the same software. ...
I’ve been testing a version of Johnny Decimal using folders and org-mode files. While doing this, I found myself frequently wanting to create a new .org file in the current (Dired) directory with the same name as the directory (long story). In a past life, this would have been a fairly straightforward challenge. I’m not remotely fluent in (emacs) lisp, but I’ve always enjoyed learning, so I would have dug in and figured out how to write the function myself. ...
Back on Micro.blog after some time away.
Roll of HP5 from the Leica MP
I spent the afternoon with my parents to celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary. This roll of Tri-X was taken with the Hasselblad 500C/M and the 80mm Planar. Mom and dad My sister’s family Door into my brother-in-law’s pole barn Lula
A roll of Kodak Gold 200 was languishing in the Nikon F100, so I used it up taking photos of Alice on our deck. Turns out that’s what I did with the first half of the roll, too :) Processed C-41 in the JOBO and scanned on the V850 using SilverFast.
I’ve been trying to hang on to using DuckDuckGo as my default search engine, but the DDG results have become less and less useful for some reason, so I frequently head over to use Google search. Which, blech. I’ve been back to using Safari as my default browser, so I installed the new “Lucky” extension from And a Dinosaur. I don’t really understand how it works yet, but here’s what the search results look like: ...
I was bored and feeling some nostalgia about Hugo so here we are again.
A portrait session with my aunt and uncle’s family. Taken using the Hasselblad 500C/M and 80mm Planar. HP5.
The Overstory, winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction, is a sweeping, impassioned work of activism and resistance that is also a stunning evocation of—and paean to—the natural world. From the roots to the crown and back to the seeds, Richard Powers’s twelfth novel unfolds in concentric rings of interlocking fables that range from antebellum New York to the late twentieth-century Timber Wars of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. There is a world alongside ours—vast, slow, interconnected, resourceful, magnificently inventive, and almost invisible to us. This is the story of a handful of people who learn how to see that world and who are drawn up into its unfolding catastrophe. ...