I think I see the light (meter): how to buy one ā€“ The Machine Planet

Dante Stella, The Machine Planet: Spot meters help you sort out the various tones in a scene so that you can spend 1000x the effort to get a picture that is 10% better than an averaging reflective meter used correctly. Spot meters, like communism, seem like a great idea until you try to use them on an everyday basis. I once said that spot meters are for posers. Dante seems to agree :). Other than some fine snark, the rest of the article contains a lot of good information about light meters. ...

April 19, 2021 Ā· 92 words

Using the current book's cover as lock screen on my Kindle

I got my first Kindle in 2007. I had given up on Amazon letting me do the Most Obvious Thing, which is to use the current bookā€™s cover on the lock screen. But, after 13 years, I finally can! Finally! (Iā€™ll probably decide to disable it when reading ā€œFifty Shadesā€, though)

April 18, 2021 Ā· 51 words

My Holy Grail Pen and Paper ā€“ CJ Chilvers

Writers spend way too much time and money seeking out their ā€œgrailā€ pen and paper combo ā€” the tools that will make their work so much ā€œsmoother.ā€ Itā€™s a pattern weā€™ve seen repeated in all creative pursuits. CJ Chilvers Why does he quote ā€œsmootherā€ here? Is that from something? Itā€™s an odd word for describing creative work. Iā€™m happy that Chilvers has a setup that works for him and that he doesnā€™t feel a need to try anything else. A little envious, even. On the other hand, I donā€™t love the insinuation that people who try different tools are somehow on a futile and unnecessary quest that can never lead to anything other than frustration and reduced creative output. OK, that might be me reading too much into it, but, isnā€™t it possible that some people simply enjoy trying new things? Can the search for better or more enjoyable tools never be more than just blind consumerism or creative procrastination? ...

April 18, 2021 Ā· 160 words

A few from Roll-004

I havenā€™t been using film much this year, but once in a while itā€™s fun to get out and shoot a roll. I took the M6 out yesterday and finally finished the roll of HP5+ that Iā€™d loaded into it a month ago. Here are a few from the roll. Most of these were shot while out walking around the neighborhood. Sorry, images were lost during a website move

April 16, 2021 Ā· 69 words

My blog's overwrought theme

Everything in my life has become overwrought, overthought, overdone, and needs to be unwound. Today, Iā€™m dealing with this blog at copingmechanism.com. A few weeks ago I decided to go back to using WordPress (again), and dammit Iā€™m going to try sticking with it this time. But, I donā€™t like any WordPress themes. There are thousands of them, and I can never find one that works for me. Oh, I find a lot of them that make me say, ā€œOoh, cool!ā€ and install immediately and say, ā€œThere, thatā€™s nice!ā€ ...

April 15, 2021 Ā· 320 words

My new note-taking system: Don't take notes.

It feels like the entire world (or at least my corner of) is consumed by the ā€œhowā€ of note-taking. Tools, workflows, processes, backlinks, and on and on. Obsidian? Roam? Paper? I read it all. Itā€™s fun and interesting and thereā€™s no end of things to distract myself with. A distraction is all it is. None if it really matters, though, and yet we endlessly split hairs and wring our hands and gaze at our navels over irrelevant minutiae. Itā€™s exhausting. Iā€™m not one of those people who wear ā€œI never change my systemā€ as a badge of honor. I canā€™t seem to stop. Iā€™m too curious for that. FOMO and all. ...

April 12, 2021 Ā· 291 words

Vapid vainglorious video ā€“ The Machine Planet

Dante Stella pokes accurate fun at videos about still photography. Or check out their stylish walking around, contemplatingā€¦ stuff while wearing messenger bags. Sir, we all know thatā€™s a camera bag and that it will crush the life out of even the most carefully basted sportcoat shoulders. A gentleman would never carry anything larger and cruder than a Contax T, which slips handily into the pocket of any pocket of any piece of clothing. ...

April 10, 2021 Ā· 271 words

Are automatic backlinks useful?

When I started using Roam, I found the way it handled backlinks to be a revelation. Other software does backlinks, but Roamā€™s implementation made it feel new. Suddenly, backlinks felt necessary. I started writing everything in Roamā€™s Daily Notes, and Iā€™d link things by putting brackets around each word or phrase that I thought I might want to review later. I made lots of links. After a while, I noticed that many (most?) of these linked words and phrases would end up as empty Roam pages containing nothing but backlink references. ...

April 10, 2021 Ā· 791 words

Back to Fastmail?

My first annual subscription to Basecampā€™s HEY email service is about to expire, meaning itā€™s time to decide whether I will be renewing. I donā€™t think I will. This makes me sad, because I really like using HEY for email. Theyā€™ve done a great job re-thinking how we interact with email and most of their decisions have been spot on. I forward baty.net email from Fastmail to my HEY account and, now that they support SMTP forwarding, I can reply from there as well. Soon, they are likely to fully support custom domains, meaning I could move jack@baty.net directly into HEY and be done with it. ...

April 8, 2021 Ā· 299 words

Moom, Minus, and Keyboard Maestro

Using a single 32-inch monitor with my M1 Mac Mini has caused me to re-think how I manage apps and windows. After a few iterations, Iā€™ve settled on the following layout. This layout includes Finder, iTerm2, Safari, and Emacs. Safari takes up the majority of the center. Finder and iTerm are split equally on the left, and Emacs is on the right, divided into two windows (or ā€œpanesā€ as most other software calls them). All my most-used apps are visible at the same time and Iā€™m not constantly moving windows around. ...

April 7, 2021 Ā· 524 words

Renting eBooks

None of the old books on my Kindle mean anything to me. Theyā€™re just there. I never see them, I never re-read them. I never use them for anything. Seems like a waste. In addition, Iā€™ve recently purchased a couple of hardcover books that I didnā€™t enjoy. So now what? Theyā€™ve gotta sit on my shelf forever? I suppose I could always give them away, but thatā€™s also work. (Advantage, real books, though). ...

April 6, 2021 Ā· 347 words

A few photos from Easter

I havenā€™t seen my parents in a long time, so we got together on Easter. Everyone is fully vaccinated (ok, technically Iā€™ve only had my first shot) and it was wonderful being ā€œwithā€ people again.

April 6, 2021 Ā· 35 words

The first photo I uploaded to Flickr

I uploaded this photo of my daughter to Flickr on July 5, 2004. It was taken shortly after I got my first Leica rangefinder, (an M6 TTL), and I was practicing timing and focus. Itā€™s still a favorite.

March 31, 2021 Ā· 38 words

Another attempt and having One True Blog

I am once again having thoughts about only maintaining One True Blogā„¢. I know, itā€™s just another mood and itā€™ll probably change, but as I wrote a few days ago, I donā€™t feel like blogging lately. Iā€™m wondering if this is partially because Iā€™m exhausted by the decisions around publishing. Just last week I moved my other blog at baty.blog from Blot to Micro.blog and back again. This meant switching from using Emacs to edit posts to MarsEdit (and back). I maintain automation to support all of it, and keeping all those threads going has become less interesting. ...

March 30, 2021 Ā· 162 words

The Minolta Autocord

Iā€™ve had this Minolta Autocord for so long I donā€™t remember where I got it. Or when, exactly. Mine is a model RG-2 from 1962 with the Optiper-MVL shutter. I donā€™t know much else about the camera other than itā€™s fun but challenging to use. I keep thinking about taking it out for a spin but havenā€™t done that in a few years. Thereā€™s more info about the Autocord at camera-wiki.org ...

March 29, 2021 Ā· 110 words

Snapshots of Alice

March 27, 2021 Ā· 0 words

Doom Emacs from scratch

A week ago I decided to cancel Doom Emacs and go back to building Emacs from Scratch, and once again I was reminded what a terrible idea that is. Seriously, stock Emacs, even with a leg up from Nano Emacs, gets so many things ā€œwrongā€ that I could spend the rest of my life fixing things and still wanting more. I thought building from scratch would help me avoid Configuration Fatigue. Wow, was I wrong. ...

March 10, 2021 Ā· 239 words

Posting from iA Writer

Is this something I can do? Sometimes I want a better environment for writing and posting to my blog. Ghostā€™s post editor is fine, but not ā€œniceā€. For writing with Markdown, iA Writerā€˜s editor is hard to beat. I thought Iā€™d see if thereā€™s a way to post from iA Writer to Ghost. There is. First I had to add an ā€œAppā€ in the control panel so Iā€™d have an API token. I entered that and the corresponding endpoint URL in iA Writer. Now, I can write, add images, and post a new draft simply by right-clicking the post and hitting ā€œPublishā€¦ā€. ...

March 7, 2021 Ā· 129 words

Book logging in plain text

Of all the ways Iā€™ve logged books, Iā€™m thinking that plain text remains the best. Iā€™ve been adding books to a text (Markdown) file for while now and itā€™s not pretty, but it works. And it will always work. I publish a copy at www.baty.net/books books.baty.net Like I said, it ainā€™t pretty. On the other hand, I use it regularly by simply running little searches. If I want to know how many books are read in 2020, itā€™s just grep 2020- books.md | wc -l and I get 14. To see the actual books, itā€™s even easier: grep 2020- books.md which gives me this: ...

March 6, 2021 Ā· 395 words

No one to replace the fish

Thereā€™s a scene inĀ Lexicon by Max BarryĀ in which Emily is sitting in a waiting room watching a single fish swimming in the upper half of a tank shaped like a large hourglass. The water drips slowly into the bottom half. Emily assumes that the whole mechanism will automatically pivot at some point and then the fish will be swimming in the bottom half. And so on, indefinitely. She figures itā€™s some sort of art piece. Looking more closely, she realizes that there is no mechanism for allowing the tank to pivot and that someone must just come in and replace the dead fish each day. ...

March 5, 2021 Ā· 145 words