Removing journal posts from the RSS feed

Iā€™ve decided to exclude ā€œJournalā€ posts from the RSS feed. Thing is, I like how it feels to write stuff here knowing that itā€™s not ā€œgoing anywhereā€. If something shows up that is particularly brilliant, Iā€™ll create a separate post. Since most things are decidedly not particularly brilliant, Iā€™ll feel better keeping it to myself (and the handful of loonies people who actually come and visit the website). If thereā€™s an outcry, Iā€™ll put things back. Or maybe set up a separate feed just for the journal entries. I dunno. ...

February 12, 2025 Ā· 130 words

Writing about tools

I wish Iā€™d stop writing about the tools I use to write about the tools I use.

February 11, 2025 Ā· 17 words

Roll 202 (Nikon F100)

I was so bored today that I grabbed the first camera I saw with a partially used roll (the Nikon F100) and walked around the house snapping anything at all. One of the shelves in my office ...

February 10, 2025 Ā· 53 words

A few things I like about TiddlyWiki

I got big into TiddlyWiki around 2018, when I created my Rudimentary Lathe wiki. For a few years there, I put stuff into it daily. I sometimes drift away to something New/Shiny, but I always end up back in TiddlyWiki. Off the top of my head, here are a few things I like about TiddlyWiki: ...

February 7, 2025 Ā· 280 words

Turning Markdown files into emails

Now that Iā€™ve solved my Notmuch sync problems, Iā€™m more inclined to move ahead with converting other content into emails and indexing them using Notmuch. I thought Iā€™d start with my blog posts. ...

February 6, 2025 Ā· 318 words

An improvement to org-goto from James Dyer

I hesitate to use org-goto in my Org mode files because I find the UI for it to be confusing. In a recent post, Streamlining Navigation in Org-Mode using an adapted org-goto, James Dyer makes some nifty improvements. The TL;DR is this: (setq org-goto-interface 'outline-path-completionp) (setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil) Now, the target list is a simple completion window showing the entire outline.

February 5, 2025 Ā· 61 words

Hello again, Hugo

Youā€™ll notice that is back to using Hugo1. I really like Kirby, but every time I use a platform thatā€™s not fully static, I get twitchy, and I got twitchy. Iā€™m using a new theme, Anubis2, which I find to be easy to read and just the right amount of boring. It doesnā€™t have all the features of the PaperMod theme I was using, but itā€™s simpler, and simpler is what I was after. ...

February 3, 2025 Ā· 217 words

Prevent Org-todo from messing with windows

When I have two Emacs windows split side-by-side in a frame, calling org-todo opened a full-width window at the bottom of the frame. This would be fine, but then when dismissing the selection window, it would wipe my previous window layout and Iā€™d be left with a single giant window. I found this to work: (setq org-use-fast-todo-selection 'expert) The default, I think, is ā€œautoā€

February 3, 2025 Ā· 64 words

Self care

Sometimes what looks like selfishness is really just self care.

February 2, 2025 Ā· 10 words

Sunday, February 2, 2025

I wasnā€™t planning to put journal posts here. I donā€™t like how they fill up the archives with a list of dates. Yet, here I am. ...

February 2, 2025 Ā· 173 words

Zoxide and Fish Shell

Iā€™m happy using Fish for my shell. One thing Iā€™d not gotten around to after switching is finding a good directory jumper. The original z doesnā€™t work well with Fish. I used to use fasd and autojump, but thought Iā€™d look around for something new. For some reason, Iā€™d never heard of zoxide: A smarter cd command. Combined with Tab completion and initialization for zoxide in fish shell, zoxide does the job nicely. ...

February 2, 2025 Ā· 120 words

When everything is a Post

Iā€™ve spent a lot of time over the past couple years forcing various blogging platforms to behave the way I want them to. That is: Daily notes grouped by day, with stand-along posts scattered between. ...

February 1, 2025 Ā· 106 words

Mistaking what the thing is

The Social Media Sea Change - by Anne Helen Petersen We have mistaken othersā€™ recognition of a thing for actually experiencing the thing. I find this to be tangental to making photographs. Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™d take pictures of if I had no way to share them. Or if Iā€™d take them at all.

February 1, 2025 Ā· 55 words

Adding Pagefind search to Hugo

Pagefind makes me happy. It is a static search library that is so easy to configure and use that I can hardly believe it. Hereā€™s a quick summary of how I implemented Pagefind search here in the Anubis2 Hugo theme1. ...

January 31, 2025 Ā· 260 words

Links browser

Twibright Labs: Links Itā€™s a Lynx-like web browser. I donā€™t quite understand why I would want to use it for everyday browsing, but itā€™s fun to see what sites look like without all the hubbub. Hereā€™s this site in links: ...

January 31, 2025 Ā· 44 words

Book: Gaslit ā˜…ā˜†ā˜†

An absolutely gripping psychological thriller packed with a twist you wonā€™t see coming Do you know why I didnā€™t see it coming? Because the narrator is not only unreliable, heā€™s a liar. Also, things like, and Iā€™m (barely) paraphrasing here, ā€œDoes she like me? I think she likes me!ā€ What is he, 15? I was bored. Rating: ā˜…ā˜†ā˜†

January 30, 2025 Ā· 58 words

Photo test

Testing a photo via Figure short code with a caption. Lincoln (2025). Nikon FM2n. HP5+

January 30, 2025 Ā· 15 words


I wish I could quit social media. This seems like a good cause: The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) Unplatform

January 30, 2025 Ā· 26 words

Erin Kissane on social networks

The evidence of the past decade and a half argues strongly that platform corporations are structurally incapable of good governance, primarily because most of their central aims (continuous growth, market dominance, profit via extraction) conflict with many basic human and societal needs. source: Bad shape

January 30, 2025 Ā· 45 words

Robin Sloan on government waste

The time to snoop around for ā€œwasteā€ is when everything else is going so great youā€™re getting sort of bored. Winter reading, Robin Sloan

January 30, 2025 Ā· 24 words