My first real AI moment

I’m a latecomer to AI, but I just had my first real AI revelation moment while using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. I asked it an honest question that I had and got a complete, sensible, and correct answer. It’s like if Google had a brain, or if I asked an assistant to look something up for me and report back. Here’s part of the thread: Figure 1: Me, chatting with a computer about Emacs ...

December 1, 2022 Â· 151 words

Keeping my Org Agenda updated based on Denote keywords

I’ve recently switched from using Org-roam to using Denote for my notes. Org-roam is powerful and cool, but I prefer the more straightforward approach of Denote. I keep all my notes in Denote, including notes about current projects. For example, we’re planning to remodel our kitchen. This is a project and so I have a Denote file named “20221130T130143–”. In this file, I keep a list of TODOs. In order to see these TODOs in my Org Agenda, I need to add the file to org-agenda-files. This can be done a few ways, but all are manual. I am forgetful, so I wanted a more automated way to keep my org-agenda-files up to date with Denote projects. ...

November 30, 2022 Â· 298 words

Calm technology

I’m overwhelmed by social media right now. Visiting Twitter just makes me anxious because it’s become an even bigger shit-show and all anyone can talk about is how much of a shit-show it is. And Mastodon is almost worse, since the only topics there right now seem to be the Twitter shit-show (but everyone calls it “birdsite” for whatever stupid reason) or how Mastodon is or isn’t confusing or is or isn’t racist or else over-explaining what the “fediverse” means to the future of the internet. ...

November 24, 2022 Â· 152 words

Printing Web Pages

An update to my process for printing and reading long-form web articles

November 13, 2022 Â· 352 words

A Coat of Paint

A fresh new theme always feels good

November 9, 2022 Â· 169 words

Where would you like to see daily notes?

It seems I’ll never be able to decide where to publish my “Daily Notes” blog entries. I waffle between here on, the wiki, or my old blog dedicated to daily posts, I’m once again leaning toward writing them on the wiki, since they can be back/linked to/from my other notes about everything. It’s also super simple to create posts there. And, for some reason they don’t seem to disappear down-river like they do on normal blogs like this one. ...

October 12, 2022 Â· 197 words

Personal Knowledge Management is exhausting

I’ve been testing the hot new Tana app for the past week, and I’m exhausted. First, I don’t need a Zettelkasten. If you’re being honest, you probably don’t either. And yet, we spend hours or days learning the “proper” way to build one. Then we set up our new system, using paper or digital or both, roll up our sleeves, and waste time putting stuff into it. The worst part isn’t the putting of stuff into my PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) system. The worst part is all of the tinkering around where to put stuff and how to classify/tag/organize it. ...

October 10, 2022 Â· 392 words

Mastodon move

In mastodon technology Shutdown, Ash Furrow writes: I have sad news that I have decided to shut down the instance. In accordance with the Mastodon Server Covenant, the server will be shut down no earlier than December 1, 2022. Ash Furrow I’ve been on the instance for nearly 5 years. It’s been great, but given the coming shutdown I needed to find a new instance. I almost gave up on the whole Fediverse. After all, I’ve been on Twitter for nearly 20 years already. Never had to move or change anything. That’s of course no guarantee, but you know. Plus, it’s Twitter. ...

October 7, 2022 Â· 151 words

Everything is in ~/org

The more notes I put into Org-roam, the more I want to put there. My Org-roam directory has always been in ~/org/roam, meaning that my database was limited to files I put in that directory. The rest of my org files have been in ~/org, so they’re out of “reach” of Org-roam. Sometimes, though, I wanted link from, say, my file to one of my Org-roam files, thereby making that daybook entry part of my org-roam database. ...

September 30, 2022 Â· 189 words

Apple Studio Display

I splurged on a new Apple Studio Display for my home office. It’s only been 24 hours but I couldn’t be happier. I wish it wasn’t so expensive. Even the “base” model is too expensive. And no way I’m paying another $400 just so I can adjust the height. That pisses me off a little, but the display is gorgeous, so all is forgiven. Here’s why I bought one: My 32-inch LG was too big. I know that sounds crazy, but too much screen real estate is a distraction for me. I wanted 5k. Whenever I switched between the (4k) LG and my internal Retina MacBook Pro monitor, the difference when reading text was pronounced. Moving to the internal Retina display felt like putting on glasses. I wanted built-in speakers and camera. I keep the MBP in clamshell mode, so I needed to have extra speakers on my desk and didn’t like the clutter. The hardware is beautiful. I stare at my monitor nearly all day, every day. The Studio Display is simply nicer looking than anything else I’ve seen. This alone doesn’t justify the purchase, but it sure helps. I’ve taken the LG to my temporary office in our old building, so it’s not like it’s going to waste. The new Studio Display is a great upgrade, though. ...

September 24, 2022 Â· 219 words

Trying something with TiddlyWiki

I’m trying something with TiddlyWiki. My public wiki has over 3,000 entries. As much as I try keeping notes in my array of Org-mode files, I almost always find what I’m looking for in the wiki instead. I’ve also kept a local, private “Lab Notebook” wiki in TiddlyWiki. It competes with my Org-mode daybook and journals, though, so I’ve neglected it. It occurred to me that I’ve enjoyed using TiddlyWiki for public notes. However, I can’t only keep a public wiki, because not everything belongs “out there”. Just most of everything. That’s where the Lab Notebook comes in. ...

September 22, 2022 Â· 332 words

Tagging deleted messages in Notmuch

I use Notmuch in Emacs for managing my email. It’s fast, powerful, and (once used to it) easy to use. There are a few oddities I’ve learned to work around. The first is with deleting messages. The manual for Notmuch states: Notmuch does not support, nor ever will, the deleting of messages Notmuch manual I’m ok with this, since Notmuch provides a way to essentially bury deleted messages using tags. I don’t necessarily need to actually delete the message file. Any message tagged with +deleted is hidden from searches unless explicitly included. Ignored tags are set in ~/.notmuch-config like so: ...

September 21, 2022 Â· 304 words

Roll-085 Leica M3

Here a few from a recent roll using the Leica M3 and the Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH. Mom and Dad. Leica M3 Dad playing mini-golf on the Quest. Leica M3 Molly. Leica M3 Michigan Fucking State. Leica M3

September 11, 2022 Â· 38 words

iA Writer vs Emacs

Emacs can be ugly, but it doesn’t have to be. Above we have the highly-polished and thoughtful iA Writer on the left and Emacs on the right. I’m using Doom Emacs in “Zen” mode, which is basically a tweaked version of Writeroom-mode. My tweaks include using iA’s Quattro font as a variable-pitch font and a little spacing via line-spacing. (add-hook 'writeroom-mode-hook (lambda () (setq line-spacing 0.5))) iA Writer is wonderful for editing Markdown files. Might even be “nicer” overall than Emacs for that purpose. It’s just so smooth, you know? But, Emacs is Emacs and that’s tough to beat. I alternate between them. It helps that I’ve made them look similar. ...

September 8, 2022 Â· 119 words

What does mean for

Last week I decided that I’d like to write with a bit more discipline than what I’d been doing in the journal entries, so I fired up a new Ghost instance at ...

August 22, 2022 Â· 251 words

Roll-80 (Leica MP/HP5 Plus)

I attended our annual family reunion in Newaygo this weekend. It’s always great to see everyone. I shot a roll of HP5 with the MP and 35mm Summilux. Aunt Joan and Uncle Bob Playing cornhole Smiles all around My cousin Aaron Judy and Norma

August 2, 2022 Â· 44 words

Hiding File Permissions in Dired

Dired mode in Emacs is fantastic, but one little thing that annoyed me was that the directory listings show file ownership and permissions, taking up space with information I almost never care about. I started down a rabbit hole of figuring out how to hide those columns. I spent wasted an hour on my way to discovering that, of course, there’s a built-in way to do it: dired-hide-details-mode. Well, that was easy. ...

July 31, 2022 Â· 97 words

Searching this site using Pagefind

Note Pagefind is no longer used on this site, due to a theme change. I was made aware of Pagefind via a post by Bryce Wray. Pagefind is… Pagefind is a fully static search library that aims to perform well on large sites, while using as little of your users’ bandwidth as possible, and without hosting any infrastructure. They had me at “…without hosting any infrastructure”. The theme I used to use included a nice search using Lunr. My new theme uses Algolia, which I don’t love because it involves a separate, commercial service and requires rebuilding and pushing an updated index to the Algolia service every time I post something. ...

July 30, 2022 Â· 582 words

A couple 4x5 self-portraits

I dug out the big Linhof today and made a few self-portraits. The setup was my usual: painted backdrop with two Profoto strobes, one through a octogon box and one with a small modifier on the background. I mostly wanted to test my new digital camera scanning setup. I think it worked pretty well. Here’s another. I was just horsing around by this point. ...

July 28, 2022 Â· 75 words

Welcome to Tumblr

As much as I, ehem, LoveIt, the theme’s very theme-specific magic felt like trouble waiting to happen. And honestly, I was bored with it, so I went looking for something new. ...

July 27, 2022 Â· 131 words