For a while, I tried maintaining a combined RSS feed that included posts from all my sundry blogs. I kept it at /everything.rss. It was managed as part of my WordPress blog, and since I’ve stopped using WordPress, I’ve been redirecting /everything.rss to the feed for, which is either /feed or /index.xml, depending on my blog platform of the day.

I think that instead of that, I’ll piggyback off my @batybot account on I crosspost most stuff from my sites to @batybot via EchoFeed already, and Mastodon offers an rss feed for each account. Mine is

Soon, I’ll redirect requests from to This doesn’t offer full posts, but rather it’s more like a firehose of links to everything I post. If you’d like to avoid that kind of noise, delete your subscription to /everything.rss. If you are a glutton for punishment, feel free to subscribe.