The other day, while bored, I shuffled around the house and burned through a roll of film, just for something to do. I took photos of random stuff that I use or see every day. The photos were boring af but, for some reason, because they’re film I think they’re kind of cool.
But are they? No, they’re not. Film photography is fun, and the paraphernalia is awesome, but a boring photo is still a boring photo. Here’s an egregious example. HP5 from the Nikon F100 on the left. Nikon Zf with an HP5 film recipe on the right.

The film one is cool. The digital one is boring. Right?
I didn’t spend time trying to get them to match. I just wanted to demonstrate how I sometimes trick myself into thinking film photos are somehow better, simply by virtue of them being film.
Honestly, I always prefer the photos on film, but that doesn’t make them good.
The moral of the story here is that I should try making better photos, regardless of the medium.