Vanilla to Doom to Vanilla
I’d been happily using Doom Emacs until just over a month ago, when I decided to start from scratch again.
It didn’t take long before I started missing some of the niceties of Doom. I’m faster when using Doom/Evil, and sometimes it’s good having things taken care of for me.
So, at the beginning of January, I switched back to Doom.
After a week using Doom, I was feeling pretty comfy. Too comfy, in fact. I couldn’t shake the feeling that every Doom keybinding I internalized brought me closer to depending on Doom. It made me twitchy. Every time I typed something like SPC m a a
or put a Doom macro like after!
or map!
in my configuration, I felt like I was spending time learning someone else’s tool.
So, this morning I switched back to my vanilla config.
Now I feel better. I’m a little clumsier, and sometimes I wish I didn’t have to do everything, but dammit it’s MINE! 😄.