I came this close to moving my blog at baty.net back to Hugo. Even worse, I considered archiving all the content and starting fresh. I mean, completely fresh. No more dragging around years of images and posts that have been converted to and from several Markdown formats for various blogging engines. I still may, but I’ve given myself a reprieve this morning. Sort of.
Instead of doing that, I’ve fired up a brand new Hugo blog here. I’m calling it “Coping Mechanism”. Mostly because I still own the domain and it was right there.
I’ve chosen a new theme, arubis2, which is the just the right amount of boring. We’ll see if it sticks. It doesn’t support featured images, which I’m counting as a positive, since every Hugo theme handles them differently, and most don’t do it well. If I want a featured image, I’ll put it at the top. Cover images for decoration are a blight, anyway.
So here we go, I guess. A new playground. For now.