I don’t normally use tags in Org-mode files, so I hadn’t noticed that tags on DONE headings use the same face as the heading itself. This makes the tags difficult to spot. Every theme I tested failed to differentiate between heading text and tags on DONE headings.
Here’s my books.org file:

Notice the indistinguishable tags in the list of DONE books
After failing to find an easy way of changing the face of tags, I cheated and installed org-rainbow-tags. Now my tags are wildly different from the headings. And from each other, for that matter:

Vivid tags!
I’m not sure I like this for every org-mode file, however, so I only enable the mode in my books file. This is done by setting a local variable in the file itself, like so:
;; Local Variables:
;; eval: (org-rainbow-tags-mode)
;; End: