Today I learned about SilverBullet

SilverBullet is a note-taking application optimized for people with a hacker mindset. We all take notes. There’s a million note taking applications out there. Literally. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one where your notes are _more_than plain text files? Where your notes essentially become a database that you can query; that you can build custom knowledge applications on top of? A hackable notebook, if you will?
Well now who can’t resist that? Me, that’s who.
I installed SilverBullet via OrbStack, which is also new to me, and is delicious.
First impressions are (it’s only been a few hours) that I think he’s onto something. I can’t explain it, but SilverBullet immediately felt more right to me than Obsidian. I am running it locally on my Mac Mini and accessing it from everywhere else using Tailscale.
I certainly don’t need another way to take notes, but I’m going to continue giving SilverBullet a spin and see if it leads anywhere.