As often happens, I started to waffle on where to keep my notes. I blame Obsidian for this. But also Bear and Evernote and Logseq and DEVONthink and and and.
Obsidian is insidious. Sometimes all I want is to write something down and Obsidian makes that easy. Then it shows you a nice Daily Notes page. Then it makes back/linking easy. Then it teases me with a million simple-to-install plugins.
Before you know it, I’m tweaking templates and writing Dataview queries. I realize that “This is worse than futzing with Emacs!” so I decide to “Reduce & Simplify” and start putting everything into Bear instead.
And around it goes.
Hoping to reduce temptation, I’ve deleted Obsidian, Logseq, Bear, Noteplan, and a couple others I don’t remember.
My notes go in Emacs. Now, does that mean Denote or Howm? Both!