I was struggling with some recent tweaks to this blog’s theme, and while poking around I discovered that the LoveIt theme was once again being developed. I had moved to the CodeIt theme after LoveIt looked to be abandoned back in 2020. The author had simply seemed to disappear. And then, a month ago, there was this post.
Since CodeIt was archived recently and development stopped, I took the opportunity to kill my fork and switch back to LoveIt. I cleaned up a bunch of unnecessary CSS while I was in there. I’m trying to stick as close as I can to the defaults for now.
I did need to re-integrate my Daily posts section, but that wasn’t too bad. Rather than fart around with forking the theme, I just overrode the layouts.
It’s missing a few fancy tweaks and some font changes from the other theme, but it’s less convoluted and hopefully less prone to falling apart when I’m not looking.