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A blog about everything by Jack Baty πŸ‘‹
It Really Whips the Llama's Ass

Hello again, Hugo

You’ll notice that is back to using Hugo1. I really like Kirby, but every time I use a platform that’s not fully static, I get twitchy, and I got twitchy.

I’m using a new theme, Anubis2, which I find to be easy to read and just the right amount of boring. It doesn’t have all the features of the PaperMod theme I was using, but it’s simpler, and simpler is what I was after.

Prevent Org-todo from messing with windows

When I have two Emacs windows split side-by-side in a frame, calling org-todo opened a full-width window at the bottom of the frame. This would be fine, but then when dismissing the selection window, it would wipe my previous window layout and I’d be left with a single giant window.

I found this to work:

(setq org-use-fast-todo-selection 'expert)

The default, I think, is “auto”

Zoxide and Fish Shell

I’m happy using Fish for my shell. One thing I’d not gotten around to after switching is finding a good directory jumper. The original z doesn’t work well with Fish. I used to use fasd and autojump, but thought I’d look around for something new.

For some reason, I’d never heard of zoxide: A smarter cd command. Combined with Tab completion and initialization for zoxide in fish shell, zoxide does the job nicely.