I wish I’d stop writing about the tools I use to write about the tools I use.
I was so bored today that I grabbed the first camera I saw with a partially used roll (the Nikon F100) and walked around the house snapping anything at all.

One of the shelves in my office
I have an idea about these daily posts. I’ll be writing throughout the day over in the wiki. Then, end of day, I’ll grab anything I think is worth sharing and re-post it here. I mean, I didn’t call the wiki a “Rudimentary Lathe” for nothing.

I got big into TiddlyWiki around 2018, when I created my Rudimentary Lathe wiki. For a few years there, I put stuff into it daily. I sometimes drift away to something New/Shiny, but I always end up back in TiddlyWiki.
Off the top of my head, here are a few things I like about TiddlyWiki:
I’ve redirected all requests to the briefly-revived copingmechanism.com to baty.net. Sorry for the trouble.
My love for TiddlyWiki continues apace, with a bunch of updates to my wiki
Now that I’ve solved my Notmuch sync problems, I’m more inclined to move ahead with converting other content into emails and indexing them using Notmuch.
I thought I’d start with my blog posts.
This is helping me, today.

Sometimes, it’s not what you thought it was, eh?
JFC, I don’t even want to be around the Good Guys anymore.
You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism
You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism:
If there’s one thing I’d hoped people had learned going into the next four years of Donald Trump as president, it’s that spending lots of time online posting about what people in power are saying and doing is not going to accomplish anything. If anything, it’s exactly what they want.
I hesitate to use org-goto
in my Org mode files because I find the UI for it to be confusing. In a recent post, Streamlining Navigation in Org-Mode using an adapted org-goto, James Dyer makes some nifty improvements. The TL;DR is this:
(setq org-goto-interface 'outline-path-completionp)
(setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)
Now, the target list is a simple completion window showing the entire outline.

Writing Desk (2025). Nikon FM2n. HP5 @800.
Let’s test the idea of continuing with daily journal posts as separate “things”.
I’ve subscribed to a year of Wired Magazine. For $6/year, including the print edition(!), it’s a pretty good deal.