I find that I kind of enjoy starting the day with a quick jab/hugo-new-daily
in Emacs and here we are. The issue with publishing right away is that for people who use RSS they may think I’m finished for the day, and that’s seldom the case. Sometimes I worry about this, but most of the time I remember that the people subscribed via RSS know me, and I think they understand. :)
Our internet was clocking at around 0.4Mbps second for most of the day yesterday. This morning it’s reading 475Mbps so that’s, what, 1,000 times faster? So much better.
I replaced the OpenGraph image here with something at least a little less unpleasant. One day I’ll try to actually “design” something, but this will do for now.

The new, placeholder OpenGraph image.
I find there is no more heartening sound than laughter, and in particular, the laughter of my wife. There is a gentle defiance to it, a bell-like music of love that gives grounds for hope
Nick Cave understands.