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A blog about everything by Jack Baty 👋

🗓️ Monday, January 15, 2024

Table of Contents

# Rolling my own theme?

I like the PaperMod theme, but I don’t want it to look like the PaperMod theme. Or at least not like everyone else’s PaperMod theme. It’s just that I suck at layout/CSS so if I decide to dive in I’ll get frustrated and things will break.

Right now I’ve installed the theme as a Hugo “module”. This is an easy way to do it, but it might be too much an abstraction for my taste. Another option is to check it out as a git submodule, but that has its own issues.

A third option, and the one I’m considering, is to install the theme in my themes/ folder but not as a submodule. I’ll just roll it right into my repo and pretend it’s mine :). This makes updates more work since it’ll no longer be a simple “hugo mod -u” or “git submodule update –recursive –remote”. I’ll need to diff and merge by hand. This is fine, since sometimes themes break after updates.

This way I’ll have local copies of all of the theme’s templates and I can edit them at will.

# I’ve lost interest in everything

Please allow me to gripe for a moment.

Over the past month or so, I’ve noticed that my reactions to things are generally, “Meh”.

I used to eagerly fire up my RSS reader to see what fun, cool things I could learn about. Lately, I just scroll aimlessly through my feeds, skim a couple of posts, shrug, and move on. Nothing is interesting enough to stop me in my tracks and send me on an adventure. That used to happen at least once or twice a day.

I roll my eyes at each new “crisis” on social media. Not because I don’t care about things, but I’m weary of people posting their (typically uninformed) takes on every little thing.

I haven’t picked up a camera in weeks. My photos are boring. And I’m finding other people’s photos boring as well, and that never happens.

Finding a show or movie to watch is an exercise in time wasting and scrolling and watching trailers. I’ll find something, watch ten minutes of it, and quit. Same thing with books, and I love books.

The only reason I’m still blogging every day is for lack of anything better to do. I switch blogging platforms all the time, but it’s just a distraction with no real goal.

Winter doesn’t bother me. The short days are fine with me. I can’t blame the weather. I’m just in a funk and I need to pull out of it because this isn’t much fun.