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A blog about everything by Jack Baty đź‘‹

Category: Meta

Domain Consolidation (Continued)

Remember when all I planned to do was to put all of my blogs under one domain and that was it? I’d still have all the same blogs, but they were going to live under a bunch of subdomains.

Well, I got carried away. I brought back as a blog (WordPress) and migrated all of my recent posts and imported everything from I am once again living at

Domain Consolidation

I’ve been feeling a need to simplify things and I’ve decided that one of those things is my domain names. My days of hoarding domain names, just in case, are drawing to a close. I don’t want the hassle of managing a bunch of zones and I don’t need the fees.

To that end, I’m working toward moving everything to subdomains of

I’ve already moved my wiki from to I considered and may still use that instead.

Programming Note: 2021.12.27

My dream is to maintain my writing in one place. Unfortunately, I enjoy tinkering with different publishing tools so much that I have never been able to choose a single platform and stick with it.

I’m going to try focusing my writing here at for a while and see if I can live here. This means is on hold for the time being.

One thing I wanted here was a theme that wasn’t quite so overwrought as “Hive”. I wanted something a little more old-school. I was poking around and found that James Vornov’s great blog, On Deciding…Better, uses the Graphy WordPress theme, which I really like. I knew it seemed familiar because I had actually purchased the pro version of the theme back in April. And around we go!

A Broader Scope has alternated between being a general purpose blog and being a photography-only blog. It’s been mostly photography for months now, but I’m thinking of expanding the scope to include, well, everything I want to write about.

If I were a real photographer, it might make sense to have a blog dedicated to “My Work” but I’m just a putterer. I’m guessing that very few people who visit this blog do so because it’s only about my photographs, and so they shouldn’t mind if I write about other things here as well. Let’s try it!

Another attempt and having One True Blog

I am once again having thoughts about only maintaining One True Blog™.

I know, it’s just another mood and it’ll probably change, but as I wrote a few days ago, I don’t feel like blogging lately. I’m wondering if this is partially because I’m exhausted by the decisions around publishing. Just last week I moved my other blog at from Blot to and back again. This meant switching from using Emacs to edit posts to MarsEdit (and back). I maintain automation to support all of it, and keeping all those threads going has become less interesting.