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A blog about everything by Jack Baty 👋

Category: Journal

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Melting Face (1982)

Melting Face (1982)

In high school, I mowed lawns for extra cash. I remember vividly the time I was mowing our neighbor’s back yard and I had the idea for a painting (see above). I actually stopped the mower and went inside to start painting immediately. I miss feeling so creative that I’d stop whatever I was doing because I had an idea.

Had second sewing class yesterday. We made drawstring bags. Well, tried to. I struggled with the sewing machine for half the class. It kept jamming. And when it wasn’t jamming, I was mis-threading it. We cut several pieces of fabric for the first time. That was harder than I expected. Like my dad often said while building something, “I cut it twice and it’s still too short.” I didn’t finish. I still need to make and thread the drawstring.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

I’m having a lot of trouble staying away from social media. The idea was to limit myself to checking once or twice a day, but I still find myself reaching for it every time there’s a lull in my thoughts or as soon as I finish something. It’s insidious. I’m convinced that social media is bad for my brain and it’s definitely bad for my attitude. I’ll keep trying. I don’t think I should even allow the once-a-day checking. Perhaps I’ll bookmark just the notifications tab and check that, since I don’t want to be rude and not respond to people.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

# Notes from today

Have you ever looked into your completely disheveled pantry and said, “That does it! I’m fixing this right now!”? I did that today. After two hours of, “What the hell is this doing here?”, everything that doesn’t belong in the pantry is not in the pantry, and everything that remains in the pantry is where it belongs in the pantry. This feels really good.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

I can’t figure out how to coax Hugo into generating full URLs to images when I’m using Page Bundles. The whole point of bundles is that I can use links to images like [](yet-another-self-portrait.jpg) and it just works. But it doesn’t work in RSS feeds. Not all RSS readers automatically figure out the full URLs. The figure short codes should at least work, but don’t. Frustrating.