Bar (2022). Leica MP. 50mm Summilux. HP5.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Abandoning the hours I spent making little scripts and shortcuts to do the things I normally do in Emacs, but in Bear, etc. instead, I spent time yesterday doing the same thing with the Emacs versions. I feel better about that, because Iā€™m better at Emacs to begin with, so this feels like adding on to something I have rather than starting over with something new. Speaking of Emacs, Iā€™ve added evil-mode back into my Emacs config. Now Iā€™m really confused. I have two conflicting sets of muscle memory, both of which I quite like, but they canā€™t really coexist peacefully. I tried Demon-mode and other kinda-evil-but-not-really modes and none are what a want. Iā€™m going to need to decide. ...

Partly cloudy 59.4 | Low 55.5, High 82.9 Ā· 120 words
Self-portrait pretending to use the Crown Graphic (2021). Linhof Master Technika.

Friday, 23 August 2024

Backing away from my move away from Emacs again. I just canā€™t quit it.

Partly cloudy 55.9 | Low 53.2, High 79.5 Ā· 89 words
Wall in my dad's garage (2022). Leica MP. 50mm Summilux. HP5.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

I went to post something just now, but stopped to make a teeny tweak the Hugo frontmatter. Now I donā€™t remember what I was coming here to write. Good morning, I guess ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ. On the plus side, I woke up feeling actually relieved that the blog is on Hugo. Canā€™t explain it, but it seems like a good thing. Neither my wife nor I have been to Europe, so Iā€™m planning a trip there for later this fall. I donā€™t even know which country we should start at. Iā€™m thinking Italy. ...

Clear 53.1 | Low 49.2, High 76.1 Ā· 231 words
Ripples in sand under water, Grand Haven, MI. Leica MP / 35mm Summilux / HP5

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Fighting my Johnny Decimal plans.

Clear 51.1 | Low 46.6, High 74.0 Ā· 297 words

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Wouldnā€™t it be great if all I needed was Emacs, a browser, a terminal, and Finder? Why then do I end up with this? And itā€™s only 6:00 a.m.

Clear 52.0 | Low 48.6, High 69.6 Ā· 29 words
Pipes at Founders Brewing (2022). Leica MP. Summilux-M 50mm. HP5.

Monday, August 19, 2024

A bit of navel-gazing around workflows

Clear 57.9 | Low 54.6, High 75.0 Ā· 156 words
Inside the car wash

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Mostly just personal journaling today. Roger Waters t-shirt. Credit reporting. Ellaā€™s move

Overcast 66.9 | Low 60.7, High 73.7 Ā· 131 words
Looking from our deck. (Nikon F100. Kodak 200.)

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Busy day today. Weā€™re moving Ella into her new apartment. Iā€™ve been taking it easy since hurting my back last week, so I feel like Iā€™m good enough to be useful. The best thing about being busy is that it prevents me from second guessing my move to Hugo for the blog. I love that Iā€™m here in Emacs typing this post, but the threat of some update breaking things, or that I break things, looms. And Itā€™s mostly stock PaperMod theme, so this is just another boring blog that looks like a lot of other boring blogs. Itā€™s fine for now. ...

Overcast 69.1 | Low 61.8, High 74.4 Ā· 240 words

Friday, August 16, 2024

A bit about moving back to Hugo

Light rain 66.0 | Low 59.1, High 83.8 Ā· 117 words
Could never make this with digital, right? (Nikon F100. Kodak Gold 200)

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Fortunately, my old lisp functions still worked, so creating this daily post for Hugo was just a matter of M-x jab/hugo-new-daily and here I am. Youā€™ll have noticed (if youā€™re not viewing via RSS at least) that I moved the blog back to Hugo. This was unexpected, since I swore off Hugo months ago :). Anyway, I have started migrating the last six months of content over from Kirby. Itā€™s slow going, so thereā€™ll be some 404s for a bit. ...

Overcast 75.0 | Low 58.4, High 75.5 Ā· 80 words

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Iā€™m on assignment I swear some days I want to single-handedly bring back single-use devices. Remember when I used wttr to show the weather like this? _`/"".-. Light snow ,\_( ). 8(-7) Ā°F /(___(__) ā†— 14 mph * * * 3 mi * * * 0.0 in Historically, the day after getting a COVID booster, I would feel pretty crappy. So far this morning Iā€™m only suffering from a sore arm. This one was from Pfizer rather than Moderna, so weā€™ll see. ...

Low 8.8, High 18.3 Ā· 138 words

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Iā€™m fine. Server logs are interesting.

Low 6.9, High 10.6 - Light snow showers Ā· 189 words

Monday, January 15, 2024

Losing interest in everything. And some blog notes.

Low 6.1, High 13.5 - Light snow Ā· 439 words

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Our near-blizzard conditions continue today. Alice had a hard time finding a place to poop on our walk this morning. Why would anyone want to leave Michigan in Winter? Oh, by the way Iā€™ve switched back to Hugo for the blog

Low 9.3, High 16.6 - Moderate or heavy snow showers Ā· 41 words
Screenshot of laptop running OpenBSD

Friday, January 12, 2024

A day with Kirby, Hugo, and OpenBSD

January 12, 2024 Ā· 205 words

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

After yesterdayā€™s Kirby->Hugo-Kirby debacle, Iā€™ve been thinking about why I spend so much time farting around with and on my blog. Fair question, and one I donā€™t really have an answer to. I guess itā€™s my little place on the internet and I like to have the furniture arranged just so. But ā€œjust soā€ changes all the time, so I keep trying new configurations. Itā€™s fun. Also useless, and nobody but me cares, but still. ...

Low 29.2, High 32.3 - Light snow Ā· 75 words

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Have you ever been so enamoured with plain-text-static-html publishing that youā€™re willing to burn down a month of implementing a blog using Kirby CMS in order to go back to using Emacs and Markdown and Hugo? I have.

Low 30.5, High 33.9 - Heavy snow Ā· 38 words

I donā€™t need a new blogging platform, but if I did, Iā€™d certainly be looking atĀ Itā€™s blogging via sftp and rsync, which sounds awesome.

January 8, 2024 Ā· 26 words

Saturday, October 14, 2023

I spent the afternoon with my new grandson yesterday. His name is Lincoln. His middle name is Jack. She gave him my name and that might be the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Proud grandpa holding Lincoln The Kirby experiment continues. I did some work on it this morning. You might notice that the home page now shows a grid of recent posts under the latest Journal entry. Also, the Posts page shows a simple list of posts. No covers or anything. I found the cover images made the page too jarring or erratic or something. ...

October 14, 2023 Ā· 99 words

Sunday, October 08, 2023

The Kirby experiment has been fun, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll finish anything useful.

October 8, 2023 Ā· 173 words