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A blog about everything by Jack Baty 👋

Category: Journal

Saturday, October 26, 2024

I’m not saying anything new, but I feel like we’ve lost the battle for having good and useful products and services. Is it just me, or does every product seem to only grudgingly accept the actual user as a necessary evil? We’re secondary to whatever is actually making the money. Call me a grumpy old man, but I hate this trend. “Enshittification” is an over-used meme word by now, but I can’t think of a better one.

Friday, October 25, 2024

The thing about BOGO (Buy One, Get One free) is that I end up buying something I don’t need, just so I can get a second thing I don’t need.

I’m (half-heartedly) considering canceling every streaming option I have. Maybe then I’ll stop endlessly scrolling through trailers while never actually watching any movies.

Haven’t felt like blogging much. Every time I think of something to “say”, I shrug and think, “Not worth it.” I hope this doesn’t trigger a platform change or anything. I was just getting comfy here :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Certain software tools click with me. TiddlyWiki, Emacs, BBEdit, and OmniFocus are the ones that I am thinking of right now. I love them all.

I write here nearly every day, but what’s it for?

Speaking of clicking with software, I do not click with Obsidian. After seeing another new error when using Emacs this morning, I thought I’d move some stuff into Obsidian, hoping that maybe this time it would stick. It didn’t. The whole experiment lasted about 3 hours. Sometimes I just want things to be easier for a minute, which things like Obsidian, Bear, etc. are good for, but I don’t know if I’ll every leave Emacs.

Monday, October 21, 2024

I noticed that the “cover” images for my posts aren’t showing up when reading my feed in Elfeed. It’s because I use absolute URLs without a hostname. Other readers, like NetNewsWire, prepend the hostname automatically. I don’t think I’ll fix it yet, because using full URLs makes me twitchy, because I’m me and I move things.

I’ve been re-discovering TiddlyWiki. My wiki ( contains nearly 4,000 “tiddlers”, beginning in 2018. There is so much stuff in there that I search it almost daily. I’ve drifted away from using it for new stuff, probably because I’m all-in Emacs for notes (howm, specifically) and I’ve been publishing my daily notes at either or Now, though, I’m remembering how great TiddlyWiki is for exactly the sort of things I want to record and share. So, I’ll be spending more time there for a bit.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

It’s unanimous, people prefer the one post/day journal format here on “All in one place is best” seems to be the consensus. I’ll try.

BSAG » Exploring desktop linux: Part 3

I’m watching this closely. She seems to be getting on well so far. The only way I could use Linux would be to only use Linux. Switching between Linux and macOS is crazy-making.

I did, though set up Neovim and LazyVim yesterday, just for kicks. I might be experiencing a mild case of Emacs Fatigue.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

I removed the “Open to Work” label from my LinkedIn profile. Not because I’m not open to work, but because I truly can’t stand being anywhere near LinkedIn. The type of people who would hire me are just as likely to find me elsewhere.

Do people prefer these once/day combined posts, or would they rather see them individually (as seen on I feel like most of the individual notes aren’t useful enough to justify their own slot in someone’s RSS reader. On the other hand, it’s nice being able to link directly to any of them.

Friday, October 18, 2024

While scrolling through the Books I’ve Read, I realized that I don’t remember the first thing about most of them. There are a few standouts, of course, but for the most part reading feels like temporary entertainment. I hope some of it is absorbed and becomes a useful part of my brain, but it doesn’t seem like that’s happening.

I’d almost forgotten that I re-subscribed to Medium a few months ago. After visiting the home page this morning and reading one vapid headline after another, I canceled my membership. I’m sure there’s valuable content there, but it’s hiding behind clickbait and I don’t feel like wading through it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

If they had fed the language machines a diet of cupcake recipes, history might have gone another way.

“Moonbound”, Robin Sloan.

My Applications folder is a toybox, but it should be a toolbox.

I posted a little over on today. I shouldn’t do that, because it undermines my dream of having One True Blogâ„¢. Some days, though, I find it impossible to resist.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dan Milnor: Adobe Max Day One

The tools remind me that story is king.

I see a lot of criticism of Tesla’s new taxi design. Specifically, everyone seems confused that it’s a 2-seater. Ridiculous! Now, while I’m critical of everything Tesla, I haven’t seen anyone asking how many passengers the typical cab ride accommodates. Is it 2, maybe? It could be that Tesla did the research. Anyway If I need more room on a specific trip, I can alway call an UberX.