Friday, December 06, 2024

I spent a good portion of yesterday offline. Well, not technically offline, but not on social media, which feels like the same thing. Trying to remember to step away from the computer once I notice that all I’m doing is clicking things basically at random. That means I’m done for now, but I rarely heed the clues.

Overcast 25.0 | Low 23.2, High 29.5 Â· 57 words

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Cleaning up my servers and backups

Partly cloudy 17.1 | Low 21.0, High 31.6 Â· 142 words

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Social media, blogging, subscriptions.

Overcast 24.1 | Low 26.4, High 32.9 Â· 117 words

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

“I don’t know anything about what you asked, but here’s what I got from Perplexity…” is not helpful. Plus, you still don’t know anything about what I asked. We’ve gotten nowhere and you’ve wasted our time.

Overcast 26.1 | Low 28.2, High 34.2 Â· 36 words
Playing with the old X100

Monday, December 02, 2024

I find that I kind of enjoy starting the day with a quick jab/hugo-new-daily in Emacs and here we are. The issue with publishing right away is that for people who use RSS they may think I’m finished for the day, and that’s seldom the case. Sometimes I worry about this, but most of the time I remember that the people subscribed via RSS know me, and I think they understand. :) ...

Overcast 25.0 | Low 24.6, High 35.4 Â· 177 words
Alice chilling (2021)

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Oh dear. It’s OK, though. What happened was that I started to feel twitchy about having my posts and photos locked up in Ghost. “Locked up” is an exaggeration, of course, but you know what I mean. It’s better when everything is in a nice, tidy set of folders on my hard drive, in Org or Markdown format. So here we are, back in Hugo. I’ve noticed a drop-off in interaction on Mastodon the past week or two. Is it because people are leaving? Maybe they just don’t find me interesting anymore. ...

Partly cloudy 28.0 | Low 21.0, High 29.7 Â· 92 words

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

What have we done?

Cloudy 50.0 | Low 45.7, High 50.7 Â· 90 words

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

I hope you’re voting for Harris today. Other than that, I’m shutting my political brain down for the rest of the day. My heart can’t withstand this level of sustained anxiety. I have a lot of anxiety around flying, so before and during a flight, my brain and body sort of shut down and go into internal, primary-systems-only mode. That’s how I’m reacting to the election. This is mostly because of two things: ...

Light rain 63.0 | Low 60.6, High 65.7 Â· 109 words

Monday, November 04, 2024

Do you ever feel like your life’s wake is littered with missed opportunities? I spend so much time looking backwards that I don’t pay attention to what’s ahead. I don’t understand people who post overconfident, often controversial posts on social media, and then say things like “This is NOT an invitation to debate!…”. I mean, where do you think you are? I’ll tell you where, you’re in a place where everything is an invitation to debate, whether you like it or not. ...

Heavy rain 54.2 | Low 50.9, High 62.8 Â· 82 words

Sunday, November 03, 2024

You should vote vote for Harris. I did.

Partly cloudy 39.9 | Low 41.2, High 57.0 Â· 84 words

Friday, November 01, 2024

I have a routine that I go through on the 1st of every month, during which I always tell myself that, “This one will be different.”, but in the end they’re all the same.

Clear 38.2 | Low 37.1, High 49.8 Â· 34 words
Polariod of a tree in our yard

Thursday, October 31, 2024

I’m so mad at Emacs right now. It’s so frustrating when something stops working for no reason I can fathom. I sync everything related to my Emacs config via Syncthing, and the Emacs version is identical, and yet doom-modeline fails to load on the MBP but works fine on the Mini. It’s crazy-making and I can’t figure it out. UPDATE: I had to re-install the “f” and “shrink-path” packages for no apparent reason. I still hate not knowing why things broke in the first place. Makes me want to throw in the entire Emacs towel. ...

Sunny 66.4 | Low 45.4, High 65.3 Â· 125 words

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Roam > Obsidian and Org-roam > Roam. So guess what I’m using today :).

Thundery outbreaks in nearby 53.7 | Low 50.0, High 70.0 Â· 413 words

Monday, October 28, 2024

LinkedIn, The New Internet, Worrying about a “lack of updates”

Partly cloudy 36.0 | Low 37.9, High 65.7 Â· 122 words
Self-portrait with M3 (2022)

Sunday, October 27, 2024

We’re back on Hugo

Clear 37.0 | Low 36.5, High 59.7 Â· 146 words
Self-portrait as Autocord flash test.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

I’m not saying anything new, but I feel like we’ve lost the battle for having good and useful products and services. Is it just me, or does every product seem to only grudgingly accept the actual user as a necessary evil? We’re secondary to whatever is actually making the money. Call me a grumpy old man, but I hate this trend. “Enshittification” is an over-used meme word by now, but I can’t think of a better one. ...

Clear 43.0 | Low 41.1, High 56.8 Â· 204 words
Film photo of "The Substance". Bonkers movie!

Friday, October 25, 2024

The thing about BOGO (Buy One, Get One free) is that I end up buying something I don’t need, just so I can get a second thing I don’t need. I’m (half-heartedly) considering canceling every streaming option I have. Maybe then I’ll stop endlessly scrolling through trailers while never actually watching any movies. Haven’t felt like blogging much. Every time I think of something to “say”, I shrug and think, “Not worth it.” I hope this doesn’t trigger a platform change or anything. I was just getting comfy here :) ...

Light rain 46.0 | Low 43.9, High 58.9 Â· 90 words

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

I wish I would find something better to do.

Clear 59.5 | Low 40.5, High 58.1 Â· 9 words

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Certain software tools click with me. TiddlyWiki, Emacs, BBEdit, and OmniFocus are the ones that I am thinking of right now. I love them all. I write here nearly every day, but what’s it for? Speaking of clicking with software, I do not click with Obsidian. After seeing another new error when using Emacs this morning, I thought I’d move some stuff into Obsidian, hoping that maybe this time it would stick. It didn’t. The whole experiment lasted about 3 hours. Sometimes I just want things to be easier for a minute, which things like Obsidian, Bear, etc. are good for, but I don’t know if I’ll every leave Emacs. ...

Clear 51.1 | Low 48.9, High 71.1 Â· 110 words

Monday, October 21, 2024

I noticed that the “cover” images for my posts aren’t showing up when reading my feed in Elfeed. It’s because I use absolute URLs without a hostname. Other readers, like NetNewsWire, prepend the hostname automatically. I don’t think I’ll fix it yet, because using full URLs makes me twitchy, because I’m me and I move things. I’ve been re-discovering TiddlyWiki. My wiki ( contains nearly 4,000 “tiddlers”, beginning in 2018. There is so much stuff in there that I search it almost daily. I’ve drifted away from using it for new stuff, probably because I’m all-in Emacs for notes (howm, specifically) and I’ve been publishing my daily notes at either or Now, though, I’m remembering how great TiddlyWiki is for exactly the sort of things I want to record and share. So, I’ll be spending more time there for a bit. ...

Clear 52.0 | Low 52.0, High 79.3 Â· 219 words