Black and white photo of spoons in dishwasher

Sunday, March 09, 2025

I just exported 2700 tiddlers from my TiddlyWiki as one big markdown file, split it into individual files, and renamed them using Denoteā€™s format. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ. I guess I tired of searching my Denote notes, coming up empty, then having to go to the wiki and search again. Iā€™ll write some notes about it at some point. Using ChatGPT reminds me of when they started letting us use calculators in class. Sure, I forgot how to do long division by hand, but who cares? Everything else was so much easier it was worth the trade. ...

Partly cloudy 48.9 | Low 30.6, High 55.9 Ā· 94 words
8mm movie film cannisters on shelves

Saturday, March 08, 2025

It seems like this is turning into an Emacs blog. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that :). Itā€™s getting harder and harder to discover useful videos on YouTube. Every thumbnail is created using the same ā€œMake a crazy face and point at something!ā€ format. Every title is a despirate grab for attention. The recommendation algorithm is all over the map and usually not helpful. I rely on subscriptions to known quantities and recommendations from other people. I wish it was better. ...

Clear 21.9 | Low 22.5, High 37.0 Ā· 196 words
Alice says, 'whatever'

Friday, March 07, 2025

My eyes were bored so I changed themes again. Back to PaperMod for now.

Partly cloudy 30.9 | Low 27.3, High 39.0 Ā· 14 words

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Iā€™d like to not create these daily journal posts, and instead create several individial posts. The problem is that so much of what I write here in journal posts is not Postworthy. So, Iā€™ll keep doing this, I guess.

Overcast 28.9 | Low 25.9, High 38.1 Ā· 39 words

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Avatarium is new to me. I love her soulful (clean) vocals and the doom/sludgy sound. Itā€™s like Joni Mitchell and Black Sabbath teamed up. Too many journals. Not enough to say.

Light snow 23.7 | Low 18.7, High 31.8 Ā· 31 words

Saturday, March 01, 2025

I would love to be a person who goes out to photograph because I have something to say, rather than someone looking for an excuse to play with cameras and because Iā€™m bored. I find YouTube to be 95% useless, but the other 5% is helpful and can be absolutely amazing and wonderful. If I cancel my subscriptions to every newspaper that publishes something stupid, Iā€™ll have nowhere left to get any news. Mastodon, you say? Hardly. ...

Overcast 23.0 | Low 19.0, High 24.3 Ā· 121 words

Friday, February 28, 2025

Hey everyone, a little more empathy, please. Thanks.

Partly cloudy 48.9 | Low 28.0, High 50.7 Ā· 8 words

Thursday, February 27, 2025

New t-shirt is funny. Iā€™ve been shopping for desktop computers to run Linux. Something easy and nice, like a low-mid range Thelios, maybe. This is a terrible idea and I should stop doing it at once. When do you think Iā€™ll finally find something that Iā€™m good at? There are too many people in my head. I like Matt Birchlerā€™s Quick Reviews app, but I wish it would look up the year/director for me. The new iOS app might do something like that, but I wonā€™t use the app on iOS. ...

Mist 34.0 | Low 32.6, High 35.6 Ā· 146 words

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Well, Iā€™m in that place again. You know the one. The one where I write the same thing in more than one, and sometimes more than two, places because I canā€™t decide where stuff goes. Iā€™ve backed up and made all of my Kindle books readable on any device. I also just borrowed a book from the library, directly from my Kobo. This feels very good.

Overcast 37.0 | Low 28.6, High 38.7 Ā· 66 words

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Iā€™d like to get kaorahi (Howm) and Prot (Denote) together and maybe lock them in a room for a few hours. At the end, there would either be plans for building the greatest Emacs package everā€¦or fisticuffs.

Sunny 43.0 | Low 30.2, High 40.5 Ā· 37 words

Monday, February 24, 2025

Whatā€™s New in Emacs 30.1? - Mastering Emacs Full support for Emacs on Android, and a whole host of touch screen-related improvements to Emacs as a result. Sooo, do I need an Android phone, now? Most of today was spent farting around in Emacs. Again. I donā€™t mind. It was fun. I tweaked Howm. Played with Gnus. Upgraded to Emacs 30.1, and cleaned up some config. A good time was had by all. ...

Partly cloudy 39.0 | Low 27.9, High 40.1 Ā· 73 words

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Iā€™m starting to worry that Severance is just being weird for the sake of being weird. Some of this stuff had better resolve itself or Iā€™m going to be very disappointed.

Overcast 25.0 | Low 23.4, High 37.0 Ā· 31 words

Saturday, February 22, 2025

I still donā€™t know what belongs here. Itā€™s mostly just a place to write things Iā€™m thinking about. Things that have even the remotest chance of being useful or entertaining to someone else. There are at least three places I write things: Here, the wiki, and my Emacs daybook. And this doesnā€™t include the paper options. I donā€™t enjoy having to decide where to put things, but I have been unsuccessful in limiting myself to only one option. ...

Partly cloudy 19.9 | Low 21.0, High 30.6 Ā· 78 words

Friday, February 21, 2025

My personality is a rolling amalgam of the recent movies, blog posts, and YouTube videos Iā€™ve taken in. I have more open loops than a macrame convention.

Partly cloudy 21.0 | Low 13.6, High 30.0 Ā· 27 words

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Iā€™d love to have this for my M3. The Leica Summilux-M 50 f/1.4 is the fifth lens in the Classic Line I dreamt last night that my blog had a really fun, whacky design and everyone talked about it. Then, I woke up and remembered that my blog has a plain, boring, perfectly fine design and Iā€™m keeping it. Iā€™m considering adding a /notes section of the blog, with tweettoot-sized posts. No titles. Probably no RSS feed. And theyā€™d be syndicated via EchoFeed to Mastodon. It would take the place of these Journal posts. Maybe? Not sure itā€™s something I want, but itā€™s being considered. ...

Patchy light snow 16.0 | Low 13.8, High 26.4 Ā· 122 words

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Iā€™m typing this in iA Writer because I read a blog post. See how susceptible I am to the opinions of others? 10 minutes later: Back in Emacs. Other editors are fun for a minute, but nope. Iā€™ll be honest here: if being a supermarket janitor paid as well as being a developer at a large consultancy firm that I wonā€™t name, Iā€™d go back to cleaning toilets in a heartbeat. Software is never really done, especially in an ā€œagileā€ shop, but least I can tell when the toiletā€™s clean. ...

Clear 3.9 | Low 4.5, High 15.6 Ā· 144 words

Monday, February 17, 2025

Iā€™m realizing that digital photography is actually not always easier than shooting film. Wrangling the new Nikon Zf to do what I want has been the opposite of easy. Itā€™s not the Nikonā€™s fault, really. Itā€™s that modern cameras want to do everything for everyone and itā€™s exhausting getting them to do the right things for me. Trying to use both Lightroom and Lightroom Classic and syncing between the two was a terrible, terrible idea that Iā€™ve tried and failed at several times. The worst being this past month. Now Iā€™m spending the morning either finding missing photos or dealing with duplicates. I never learn. ...

Overcast 14.2 | Low 11.3, High 15.6 Ā· 207 words

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Me, all proud with my new camera I made a little Retrobatch script to overlay the date onto a photo. Itā€™s meant for the OpenGraph cover image on these daily posts. I donā€™t normally include the photo in the posts themselves, but I did today. For some reason. ...

Patchy light snow 26.1 | Low 21.0, High 28.8 Ā· 100 words

Friday, February 14, 2025

Still a bit sick. Slept better, though. Itā€™s hard using a CPAP with a stuffy nose. Iā€™m in one of those moods where I donā€™t feel like managing anything. It occurred to me that Emacs helps with this. Denote and Org Journal both manage the files for me. I just type. Org-attach handles my files for me. On the other hand, TiddlyWiki is Just One File, so thereā€™s that. The thing Iā€™m thinking about now is going back to Lightroom desktop for photos. Iā€™ve been using Lightroom Classic because itā€™s got everything, but it sure is janky compared to the new Lightroom. And with Ligthtroom I donā€™t need to organize everything (although I probably would, anyway). Still thinking about it. ...

Partly cloudy 12.0 | Low 13.3, High 26.6 Ā· 120 words

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Iā€™m a little under the weather, still. Today will consist of tinkering and reading, mostly.

Light snow 19.9 | Low 17.4, High 28.8 Ā· 15 words