How many times am I going to fix RSS images for the first time?

OMG I never learn. Even when I write stuff down. Every time I switch back to Hugo, I complain about the fact that when using relative image links in Hugo’s Page Bundles, they don’t work in the RSS feed. Then I spend time digging around old forum posts or whatever trying to fix the problem. Except I already have fixed the problem. At least twice. Maybe just check your own notes, Jack. ...

September 7, 2024 · 483 words

Sooo...Hugo again?

I was bored and feeling some nostalgia about Hugo so here we are again.

August 15, 2024 · 60 words

Searching this site using Pagefind

Note Pagefind is no longer used on this site, due to a theme change. I was made aware of Pagefind via a post by Bryce Wray. Pagefind is… Pagefind is a fully static search library that aims to perform well on large sites, while using as little of your users’ bandwidth as possible, and without hosting any infrastructure. They had me at “…without hosting any infrastructure”. The theme I used to use included a nice search using Lunr. My new theme uses Algolia, which I don’t love because it involves a separate, commercial service and requires rebuilding and pushing an updated index to the Algolia service every time I post something. ...

July 30, 2022 · 582 words


The quote from Robert Greene that I posted yesterday has thrown me a little: [People] are far too present and familiar, their every move displayed on social media. That might make you relatable, but it also makes you seem just like everyone else. Robert Greene I don’t know how I feel about the idea that posting so much about myself makes me seem the same as everyone else. I always figured it showed how I was different. The very last thing I want to do is be just like everyone else. ...

June 23, 2022 · 336 words

A new blog just for the hell of it

Here we are, running the show as a static blog, using Hugo. But why!? I suppose because I was bored and because it’s fun. ...

April 3, 2022 · 109 words

Hey! Where'd all the posts go?

I finally did it. I broke this blog apart and archived 20 years of history. You see, I still wanted it to live here at but I didn’t want to keep lugging around 20 years of posts every time I built or deployed or moved things. So I started with a fresh copy of the theme, kept only the content from 2021, and moved all the archives to Yes, I understand that this means a bunch of broken links. I’m trying to find a good solution to that, but not letting it stop me. ...

January 17, 2021 · 164 words