Paper is great

I’m really into paper-based tools lately. This is often a reaction to over-thinking my (digital) note-taking process. And oh my have I been over-thinking that process lately. Using paper is more work, but it’s worth it. Here are a few random thoughts I’ve had about it recently. Paper’s immutability is something you’d think one would put into the “Cons” column, but I find it to be its greatest feature. I’m fickle and uncertain and my digital notes suffer because of it. When I write something in a (paper) notebook, there it is, forever. I can scribble it out or copy it onto later pages, but I can’t change my mind and move it somewhere else based on whatever “system” I decide upon that day. It’ll always be right in that spot, in that notebook. I love this. ...

January 30, 2024 · 341 words

Printing Web Pages

An update to my process for printing and reading long-form web articles

November 13, 2022 · 352 words

The West Wing (Show) Productivity System

The last time I rewatched “The West Wing” I was once again impressed by how good people were at their jobs. How productive everyone was. I wondered how I could be that productive. ...

April 12, 2022 · 292 words

Some unremarkable pens the Internet made me buy

I’m an impressionable young man, and when I notice someone on The Internet raving about something, I want to feel that way, too. I often order whatever that thing is, only to be disappointed. For example, here are a few of the pens I bought after being told how remarkable they are. They’re not that remarkable.

April 3, 2022 · 56 words


It only takes a few seconds to write something down in a notebook, and look what it gets you. It gets you an immutable, permanent record of something in a cool, personally unique format. It produces a physical artifact that will last for generations. For a few years, I recorded each movie I watched and each book I read in a large notebook…just one line for each entry. But, as often happens, I was sucked into doing it digitally instead because convenience or search or whatever. This is a shame because what do I get for having a text file or Roam graph with a bunch of movies listed? I get a boring, digital, ephemeral text file that doesn’t really exist anywhere as a thing. ...

February 2, 2021 · 283 words