
You may have noticed that I've changed blogging tools again. After being mad at Hugo for a few days, I dusted off the old version I'd built using Eleventy.

As fast, flexible, and powerful Hugo is, I cannot seem to get along with its templating system. Even after years of use, it seems obtuse to me.

So let's give Eleventy a shot. I don't love JavaScript either, but at least it makes sense.

There's lots to do here, still. I moved over all of the blog posts, but so far have only moved a handful of the "daily" posts. It's tedious, and after many hours, I'm taking a break. It would have been so much faster if I'd not used Hugo's "bundles" features or custom short codes. Oh well. I'll get to the rest eventually.

I don't have the OpenGraph stuff in place yet. And the markup is old and janky, but it works for now.

Eleventy is still a bit of a mystery to me, so I hope nothing goes drastically wrong with it, as I'm unlikely to be able to fix things. For now, though, it's a relief from the even more mysterious Hugo.

Why not Kirby again? Good question. I started down that road, but realized that Kirby's quirks are confusing to me as well. More importantly, I wanted a fully statically-rendered blog. No PHP or server-side anything this time.