How many times am I going to fix RSS images for the first time?

OMG I never learn. Even when I write stuff down.

Every time I switch back to Hugo, I complain about the fact that when using relative image links in Hugo's Page Bundles, they don't work in the RSS feed. Then I spend time digging around old forum posts or whatever trying to fix the problem.

Except I already have fixed the problem. At least twice. Maybe just check your own notes, Jack.

I like the PaperMod theme's built-in figure shortcode, so this time I made a local copy of that and tweaked it.

I copied the theme's shortcode to ./layouts/shortcodes/figure.html and added two lines to the top of the file:

{ { $imgname := .Get "src" } }
{ { $img := $.Page.Resources.GetMatch $imgname } }

I don't understand Hugo's templating language at all, but I think what this does is look for a file in the page bundle that matches the figure shortcode's src attribute. The problem is that if there isn't one, the site won't build, so I added a quick and dirty conditional to my copy of the shortcode template:

<img loading="lazy" src="{ {- if $img } }{ { $img.Permalink } }{ { else } }{ { .Get "src" } }{ { end -} }...

If you see the following adorable photo of my grandson in your RSS reader[1], and didn't before, it worked.

Here's my tweaked copy of the figure shortcode from PaperMod (space added between braces so it renders properly here):

{ { $imgname := .Get "src" } }
{ { $img := $.Page.Resources.GetMatch $imgname } }
<figure{ { if or (.Get "class") (eq (.Get "align") "center") } } class="
{ {- if eq (.Get "
align") "center" } }align-center { { end } }
{ {- with .Get "class" } }{ { . } }{ {- end } }"
{ {- end -} }>

{ {- if .Get "link" -} }
<a href="{ { .Get "link" } }"{ { with .Get "target" } } target="{ { . } }"{ { end } }{ { with .Get "rel" } } rel="{ { . } }"{ { end } }>
{ {- end } }
<img loading="lazy" src="{ {- if $img } }{ { $img.Permalink } }{ { else } }{ { .Get "src" } }{ { end -} }{ {- if eq (.Get "align") "center" } }#center{ {- end } }"
{ {- if or (.Get "alt") (.Get "caption") } }
alt="{ { with .Get "alt" } }{ { . } }{ { else } }{ { .Get "caption" | markdownify| plainify } }{ { end } }"
{ {- end -} }
{ {- with .Get "width" } } width="{ { . } }"{ { end -} }
{ {- with .Get "height" } } height="{ { . } }"{ { end -} }
<!-- Closing img tag -->
{ {- if .Get "link" } }</a>{ { end -} }
{ {- if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr") -} }
{ { with (.Get "title") -} }
{ { . } }
{ {- end -} }
{ {- if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr") -} }<p>
{ {- .Get "caption" | markdownify -} }
{ {- with .Get "attrlink" } }
<a href="{ { . } }">
{ {- end -} }
{ {- .Get "attr" | markdownify -} }
{ {- if .Get "attrlink" } }</a>{ { end } }</p>
{ {- end } }
{ {- end } }

If there's a better way to do this, please let me know.

  1. Many RSS readers automatically expand the URL themselves, so it may have always appeared to work for you. ↩︎