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A blog about everything by Jack Baty 👋

Programming Note: 2021.12.27

My dream is to maintain my writing in one place. Unfortunately, I enjoy tinkering with different publishing tools so much that I have never been able to choose a single platform and stick with it.

I’m going to try focusing my writing here at for a while and see if I can live here. This means is on hold for the time being.

One thing I wanted here was a theme that wasn’t quite so overwrought as “Hive”. I wanted something a little more old-school. I was poking around and found that James Vornov’s great blog, On Deciding…Better, uses the Graphy WordPress theme, which I really like. I knew it seemed familiar because I had actually purchased the pro version of the theme back in April. And around we go!

The wildcard is my brand new blog at It’s managed using Tinderbox. I really enjoy using Tinderbox, but it remains to be seen if I will continue using it to generate a blog. I’m going to try copying the daily post from into posts here at the end of each day. Maybe that’ll work well and I’ll switch to just using Tinderbox for writing and organizing each day, but not use it for the actual publishing process.

Still noodlin’ on it. Thanks for playing along.